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Volume 5, Issue 1

Published 27 April 2012


Editorial: The Dissemination and Globalisation of Undergraduate Research Naomi Falkenburg, Caroline Gibson and Catherine Hanley, University of Warwick


Communication and Miscommunication: Handover between Junior Doctors Adrian J. Hayes, Rosalind Pool, Christopher Roughley, Sam Scholes, Laurence Sharifi, Rebecca Woodside, Siobhan Reilly, Poppy Roberts, Thomas Salter and Laura Singleton, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick

The Unravelling of Apparel: Online Shopping Behaviour Marjolein Kramer, Department of Science and Social Science, University College Utrecht, Netherlands

Living with Chronic Illness: an Investigation of its Impact on Social Participation Mairena Hirschberg, Department of Law, Politics and Sociology, University of Sussex

Negotiation and Power: The Failure of the Reformation in Schwäbisch Gmünd c.1500-80 Martin Christ, Department of History, University of Warwick

Developing Countries and Scientific Collaboration in Pharmaceuticals Richa Srivastava, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

A Comparison of Heritability Estimators in Brain Imaging Shen Ting Ang, Xu Chen and Dr Thomas Nichols, Department of Statistics, University of Warwick

Conference Proceedings:

Abstracts of the Warwick Undergraduate Medical Research Conference 2011