Healthy Mind Ed

Promoting healthy digital teaching and learning in higher education
Project Summary
HealthyMindEd aims to raise awareness of student and teacher wellbeing at national and international level and to equip university staff with the knowledge and skills to design digital teaching-learning environments that promote health and wellbeing.
Based on an international literature review and research, policy recommendations for higher education institutions will be derived and an interactive online platform with methods, pedagogical approaches, best practices and information material will be developed. The aim is to promote and sustain mental, physical and social wellbeing in the digitalised Higher education environment.
At its core, the project views wellbeing in Higher Education as a multi-dimensional construct that includes an individual’s ability to fully exercise their cognitive, emotional, physical, and social capacities, leading to flourishing and positive contributions to the academic community and society. Wellbeing is shaped by social, economic, environmental, and digital factors, with digital spaces playing a key role in engagement, mental health, and social interaction.
To address these challenges, HealthyMindEd provides educators and students with innovative teaching strategies, pedagogical methods and best practices to develop balanced and supportive digital teaching and learning environments. By integrating wellbeing into the digital experience, the project advances higher education as a space that promotes both academic excellence and holistic personal development.
The project will deliver a synthesis of findings from a broad review of international research, as well as lived experiences via focus groups and surveys conducted across all partner organisations.
In this way, HealthyMindEd aims to provide a sound comprehensive overview of the current state, needs, and existing approaches to mental, physical, and social wellbeing among both teaching staff and students in the digital environment in European higher education institutions.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Project Number: 2024-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000245442