Lesson in a Box
Lesson in a Box
Damien Homer
13th October 2020
Pedagogic Interventions

Executive Summary
This project aims to support primary school teachers and children in disadvantaged communities to develop their understanding of university and of arts based disciplines. The aim of this project is to provide school teachers with a ‘Lesson in a Box’, which will give them all the materials, information and resources to deliver up to three sessions to primary school children. The project seeks to develop student and community relationships, as well as giving students the opportunity to work as research partners in developing the learning materials for primary schools. The three undergraduate students will engage with academic staff at the university, as well as with professional services staff to collaborate to create the resources needed. The first part of the project will be to work with local school teachers in Coventry and Warwickshire to develop an understanding of what would be useful to receive when getting a ‘Lesson in a Box’. Following on from this staff and students at the university will collaborate to create the materials needed for the lessons and then package the boxes for delivery to partner schools, or those who have expressed an interest. Once the lessons have been delivered in the primary schools the intention is for the students to then interview the teachers to gain a better understanding of how the lessons were received, what could be improved upon and how they may be adapted for differing subjects or age groups.