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Margo Lebioda



Trashed is a play that focuses on the heartache, sweetness and bitterness of female friendships, toxic relationships, faith, and the growing pains of young adulthood. It is a contemporary and realistic story of vivid, complicated female characters– of which there are desperately few. Thanks to the Lord Rootes Fund, Warwick SU’s Project Fund and IATL's support our team will be taking the show to the Edinburgh Fringe (August 2024), which we hope will be the start of our collaboration outside of the university as Hart and Sparks Theatre Company. Furthermore, we are excited to take the show, with our supporters, to Lambeth Fringe this September for a performance that gives us more exposure, a fresh audience seeing the show and thus, introduced to our company in a different environment. As newly graduated students,Trashed explores themes that are especially poignant for us right now - it marks our transition into the adult world and looks at ways of coping with that time.

Project Team

Cast: Tara Bently- Curtin, Ruth Lizzie Hart, Liv Sam Rees, Jackson Charlie Muskett

Writers: Ruth Lizzie Hart,

Director: Noah Daisy Buckenham

Assistant Director: Ellie Beesley

Producer: Margo Lebioda

Assistant Producer: Aanya Sisodia

Lighting Designer/Technician: Layah Rothen