Incorporating Digital Assessment into Ancient Global History Module
Incorporating digital assessment into Ancient Global History Module
Michael Scott
1st January 2018
Academic Fellowship

Executive Summary
For 2018-9, I have constructed (and had formally approved) a new module focused on Ancient Global History, open to students from a variety of departments. This is the first time ancient global history will have been taught at Warwick, and is emblematic of an exciting new international and interdisciplinary direction for Warwick UG/PG studies and Staff research (linked to History's GHCC). In particular, this module will incorporate not only the use of digital technologies in student research, but a programme of alternative digital assessment based around student contribution to, a web portal dedicated to ancient global history {developed by me as a Warwick Strategic Impact project). Student contributions to the web portal, which has been developed as a public engagement and impact tool, will thus have the ability to reach wide national and international audiences, and continue the transfer of knowledge to audiences far beyond the classroom.
This new module will thus embody many of the University's T&L strategy themes and values: the embedding of cutting edge interdisciplinary research into teaching and learning; an innovative and distinctive direction for cross-cultural learning that will promote Warwick as an especially international university; the preparation of students for the challenges of the global environment that awaits them after university; and engagement with a wide variety of external communities helping to pursue the university's equality and diversity agenda.
To enable this integration of into the Ancient Global History module, I am applying for an IATL Academic Fellowship to support the technical development of to ensure its usability by students performing graded assessment.
Final Report Video