Censorship and Society
Censorship and Society offers an opportunity to showcase your work through a Module Conference, which takes place in Week 10. It is not only a chance to present your work formally, but also a site to participate as an independent researcher and scholar while also celebrating the learning that has taken place on the module. You will be asked to submit a 500 word reflective commentary on the conference OR a 500 word creative autofictional experience of Censorship. You will also be given the options to submit a) a 2500 word essay on a topic from the module; b) an edited collection of blog posts on a topic from the module; or c) a short 2-4 minute video accompanied by a 500 word commentary on a topic from the module.

Moral Subversion: Queer Tropes and Queer (Self)censorship
by Rowan Moorsom

Failed to Deliver
by Molly Gardiner

Free the Nipple
by Holly Warner