Games Expo 2022

The UK Games Expo (UKGE) is the largest Hobby Games Convention in the UK with 25704 unique visitors over the three days, and 425 exhibitors, of which Warwick was one. This year we were joined on the stand by 6 students, 5 of which had their manufactured prototypes that they were able to demonstrate to the general public. The five games were:
- Gillian's Jumla Jameela, a board game designed to teach Arabic
- Joel's Prove It!, a card game designed to prove lemma, proposition, theorem and corollary
- Alex's Attack of the Binomoids, a card game designed to teach binomial distribution
- Keegan's Corporate Network, a card game designed to teach aspects of cyber security
- James' The Turing Test, a card game designed to teach aspects of the Turing test
It would be fair to say that our students were excellent, oftentimes running the stand singlehandedly whilst Devon and I were out exploring the show.
According the students the experience was "Amazing", "Fun but exhausting", and "scary at first, but after a while I just got into it"
For us this was an opportunity to share student stories and success to the wider public and to showcase some of the innovative serious games that our students had created.
Next years' planning has already begun.....

Honourable Mentions
Poke-Down: A game of mental maths
Support and Sabotage: Political intrigue
Fantasy Maths Battles: Mathematical Proofs
Free Complement: Graph Theory
Matrix Match-Up: A Game about Payoff Matrices
Settle Up: Practice propositional logic
Logic Linecooks: Cookery themed logic sentence constructor
Secrets of the Faba: Roleplaying maths adventure
Project Development: Project Management
The Complexity Conjecture Efficiency of algorithms
Mines, Metrics and Missiles: Visualisation in Maths
Complexity: Complex numbers KS3/4
Paradigm Shift: Scientific progression
Language limits: Linguistic relativity
Geometry Brainstorm: Maths for seniors