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IATL newsletter - summer 2017

This issue of our newsletter focusses on interdisciplinarity and is now available to view online. It features an item on interdisciplinarity itself, student perspectives on our interdisciplinary modules, an item on wellbeing and study at Warwick, information on our new modules, and the item ‘Students as Leaders: A Campus of Ideas’.

Thu 22 Jun 2017, 16:28 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications, IATL news

Critical pedagogies and the theatre laboratory

This article, co-authored by IATL's Deputy Director, Jonathan Heron, and Nicholas Johnson from the School of Creative Arts (Drama), Trinity College Dublin, has been published in Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance.

Thu 08 Jun 2017, 11:11 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

New issue of Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research

Volume 10, Issue 1 of Reinvention was launched on 30 April 2017, featuring peer-reviewed undergraduate research from students at the University of Leeds, Monash University, the University of Warwick and the University of Western Australia.

Wed 17 May 2017, 14:53 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

Embedding Cultural Literacy in Higher Education: a new approach

This article, co-authored by IATL's Director, Nicholas Monk, and Monash colleagues Gabriel Garcia Ochoa and Sarah MacDonald, was published online on 19 January in the journal Intercultural Education.

Fri 03 Feb 2017, 17:16 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

True and Living Prophet of Destruction: Cormac McCarthy and Modernity

This book by IATL Director Dr Nicholas Monk, which is available now, argues that Cormac McCarthy's response to the modern world is more subtle and less laden with despair than many realise. It examines the experience of engaging with McCarthy's fiction in order to reveal why so many people report that "reading Cormac McCarthy changed my life."

Thu 19 May 2016, 15:49 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

New issue of Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research

The new issue features peer-reviewed undergraduate research from students at the universities of Warwick, Monash, Sussex and Melbourne.

Wed 11 May 2016, 10:54 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

New IATL blog post: Reflections on Innovation

The latest post is comprised of three parts, featuring the reflections of IATL module convenor and funding recipient Phil Gaydon and two final-year undergraduates in English, Dominc Nah and Laura Primiceri, on their experiences at recent faculty teaching and learning showcases and working on the IATL-funded project 'The Warwick Handbook of Innovative Teaching'.

Thu 03 Mar 2016, 12:05 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications, Funded projects

True and Living Prophet of Destruction

Written by IATL Director Dr Nicholas Monk, this book argues that Cormac McCarthy’s response to the modern world is more subtle and less laden with despair than many realise. It examines the experience of engaging with McCarthy’s fiction in order to reveal why so many people report that “reading Cormac McCarthy changed my life.”

Wed 06 Jan 2016, 10:01 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

Portal Pedagogy: From Interdisciplinarity and Internationalization to Transdisciplinarity and Transnationalization

Article by IATL Director Dr Nicholas Monk and colleauges reflecting on the effectiveness of the current trends in international education. Published in the London Review of Education.

[Image: Timothy Vogel (cropped) / CC BY-NC]
Mon 14 Dec 2015, 14:37 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

The War of the Worlds and antibiotic resistance: a case study for science teaching

Feature by IATL Teaching Fellow Dr Elena Riva published in The Biochemist, the Biochemical Society magazine.

[Image: Penicillium at ~400x by Marc Perkins (cropped) / CC BY-NC]
Mon 14 Dec 2015, 14:29 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

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