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IATL's Work in Student Engagement

Our latest blog post outlines the ways in which student participation is central to our work, by Caroline Gibson and Emma Barker at IATL.

[Image: George Archer Photography (cropped)]
Fri 04 Dec 2015, 14:59 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

Medical Humanities publication

An article on interdisciplinary pedagogy by IATL Senior Teaching Fellow Dr Jonathan Heron and colleagues has been published in the leading international journal Medical Humanities.

See also: IATL's Medical Humanities practice and research.

Thu 19 Nov 2015, 12:08 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

Enter the Dark Would and let your imagination run free

Have a look at this week's Times Higher Education magazine for an article on the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning's Dark Would project.

Thu 22 Oct 2015, 15:28 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

Corporal Thinking

Recent research in cognition gives new meaning to the term 'carnal knowledge'

[Image: Jose Miguel Perez Gechele (cropped) / CC BY-NC]
Wed 07 Oct 2015, 09:17 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

How Finland Keeps Kids Focused Through Free Play

An American teacher in Helsinki questioned the national practice of giving 15 minute breaks each hour—until he saw the difference it made in his classroom.

Thu 02 Jul 2015, 10:13 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

New issues of Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research

Volume 7 Issue 2 (published 30/10/2014) and the British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR) 2014 Special Issue (published 5/11/2014) are both available, free and in full, online now.

Tue 04 Nov 2014, 16:37 | Tags: Articles, blog posts and publications

Article published about IATL interdisciplinary module

'Educational Utopias and Dystopias: Reinventing Education in an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Module', written by Will Curtis (pictured) about his IATL interdisciplinary module Reinventing Education, has been published in Other Education: the Journal of Educational Alternatives.

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