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Emerge Festival 2016

1-3 November 2016 | Warwick Arts Centre

Warwick graduates Barrel Organ Theatre Company curate a festival of theatre: through panels, performances and discussions, they address questions of political assembly, social expression and professional development. This project is an annual event that showcases the IATL Student Ensemble and its alumni network of emerging artists and practitioners.

Tue 01 Nov 2016, 16:29 | Tags: IATL events, Warwick events

The Oculus: drop-in sessions

IATL team members will be available in The Oculus 12:30-14:00 on the Wednesday of Weeks 3 & 4 to discuss the potential for innovative pedagogy in the new flexible spaces.

Fri 14 Oct 2016, 18:13 | Tags: IATL events, Warwick events

International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) 2016

On 27 and 28 September, the 4th annual ICUR connected over 500 students, through 60 international sessions, on 5 continents. The event – organised by IATL staff in collaboration with colleagues in Australia, Japan, Singapore, the US, the UK, South Africa and Malaysia – saw 325 students from all disciplines presenting their research via video conference links to their peers around the world.

Thu 06 Oct 2016, 11:38 | Tags: IATL events, Warwick events

A New World…Out of Nothing

Wednesday 16 November 2016 | University of Warwick

This interactive, interdisciplinary workshop will tell the story of how a non-Euclidean geometry was created in the 19th century, "out of nothing", explore how it influenced the arts, literature and fiction, and how it is the basis of some fundamental discoveries in physics, such as relativity. No prior knowledge of mathematics is required.

Tue 04 Oct 2016, 16:47 | Tags: IATL events

Audience registration now open for ICUR 2016

The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) 2016 will be held on 27 and 28 September 2016; register now to join the audience and hear about the best undergraduate research from around the world.

Wed 10 Aug 2016, 11:18 | Tags: IATL events, Warwick events, External events

Clowning in Difficult Situations events

Talk: 5pm, Thursday 26 May | The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry
Workshop: 1pm to 3pm, Friday 27 May | Humanities Studio, University of Warwick

Emergency Circus describes itself as administering ‘inspirational circus shows and workshops to the hospitalised, the homeless, the imprisoned, and the undercircused everywhere.’ and has been performing at camps and train stations alongside thousands of refugees from Turkey to Calais.

Thu 26 May 2016, 16:55 | Tags: IATL events, External events

Interdisciplinary Module Fair

12 - 2pm, Thursday 28 April | Students' Union Atrium

Explore the IATL modules available for 2016/17 (to undergraduates in years 2, 3 or 4 with home department approval), with many of the convenors available to answer questions. New modules include: Local and Global Shakespeares; Sport, Philosophy and Practice; Genetics: Science and Society; and Laughter: A Transdisciplinary Approach.

Wed 27 Apr 2016, 10:11 | Tags: IATL events, Courses and modules

Sport, Philosophy and Practice: A Gymnasium

06 May 2016 (10:00 - 17:00)

This interdisciplinary, gymnasium event invites you to participate in spaces and activities designed for intellectual and physical engagement. Experts from the university and local community will lead participants in theoretical and practical explorations of ideas surrounding spaces, practices, philosophies, and pedagogies of sport training and exercise.

Mon 14 Mar 2016, 15:12 | Tags: IATL events

Rosalind Franklin - Science, Music and Performance

Monday 23 May 2016 | Humanities Studio | free admission

This innovative and interdisciplinary event is open to all Warwick staff and students and explores the life and the discoveries of Rosalind Franklin – chemist, biologist and X-ray crystallographer – whose photograph 51 was the key to unlocking the mystery of the structure of DNA.

Wed 02 Mar 2016, 12:15 | Tags: IATL events

Medical Humanities Symposium

18/3/2016 | University of Warwick | free admission

An interdisciplinary AHRC event that uses the radical insights of aesthetic modernism to develop dialogue with medical practice in psychiatry, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, neurology, and the mental healthcare offered at the end of life.

[Image: Francesca Duncan, 2013 (cropped)]
Thu 25 Feb 2016, 13:53 | Tags: IATL events, Warwick events

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