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INWORK Pilots: Line Manager Information

Managers have a key role to play in the MENTOR trial, and the liaison worker will provide support, training and advice to participating managers during several dedicated sessions.

At the screening stage, we will ask if you currently manage anyone, and if you'd be interested in taking part if any of your team volunteered and were selected for the MENTOR trial.

As part of the screening process, if a member of your team is eligible for the MENTOR trial we will ask them to provide your e-mail address. This will help us to identify "matched pairs" where manager and team member have both signed up.

The MENTOR study will only select participants where the employee and their manager have both expressed interest in taking part.

We will not tell anyone if you sign-up, and you will only be aware that one of your team has volunteered if they are then selected to take part in MENTOR (or if they chose to tell you). If one of your team is selected then we will ask for your consent to take part as well as theirs.

There is no obligation to take part, even if you initially said that you were interested. No experience or knowledge about mental health is required, and you will be fully supported by the liaison worker. Taking part could be a great opportunity to develop your skills and get practical advice on how to support your team and look after your own wellbeing. During the trial, you will receive three of your own sessions with the liaison worker, and will also attend four joint sessions with the member of your team who is taking part.

The sessions will take place over 12 weeks and can be held remotely. You will also be asked to complete some questionnaires to help us understand what impact taking part has had on things like your confidence in talking about mental health issues. The questionnaires will be completed at the start, after the trial is completed, and again after another 12 weeks have passed.

You can take part in the SLEEP or REST trials as well as being a manager in MENTOR. For example, you could be selected to take part in SLEEP and as a manager in MENTOR with one of your team. You cannot take part in MENTOR as both a manager and a participant – in the unlikely event that you were selected in both capacities we will ask you to chose which to take forward.