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Monday October 5, 2015
13:00 Poster and machine setup
13:30 Introduction by the organizers
13:45 Onsite contest (test dataset part B)
14:30 Oral presentations by the contestants
ID | Team |
1 | vision4GlaS |
2 | CUMedVision |
3 | LIST |
4 | FiMM |
5 | LIB |
6 | ExB |
7 | Image Analysis Lab Uni Freiburg |
8 | ISI Kolkata |
15:30 Tea Break and poster presentation
16:00 Oral presentations by the contestants
ID | Team |
9 | Ching-Wei Wang |
10 | CVIP Dundee |
11 | CVML |
12 | SUTECH |
13 | Bioimage Informatics |
16:40 Announcement of the final challenge results