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Submission of the Short Paper

Each team is required to sumbit a short paper for each of their segmentation algorithms. The paper must be submitted to Please make sure to include your team name in the email. Paper submissions must be received before the listed deadline.

Guidelines for the Short Paper

The maximum length of the paper is 2 pages. The paper must include the following details:

  • A clear description of the algorithm;
  • The description of the experimental setup. Participants are free to decide on the partitioning of the dataset in the experiment;
  • Some preliminary results. Your performance measures must include the measure describe in evaluation section, i.e.,
    • F1score for detection;
    • Object-level Dice for segmentation;
    • Hausdorff distance for shape.

Preferable format of the paper is PDF. Please use submission template availble here.

Submission of the Test Results

A download link for the results (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, etc) must be submitted to Please make sure to include your team name in the email. if you have submitted more than one algorithm, please label each set of results with the name of the corresponding algorithm. Result submissions must be received before the listed deadline.

Guideline for the Test Results

The segmentation results for each test image must be submitted as a BMP file.

  • The name of the BMP file must correspond to the name of the test image, where '_seg' must be appended to the name.
    • For example, the result file for ‘test1.bmp’ must be named ‘test1_seg.bmp’.
  • The results must be a label image in the same format as the ground truth of the training dataset, i.e.,
    • Background pixels must have value of 0;
    • For each segmented object, its pixels must have the same unique value, greater than 0.
