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TIA Centre: News

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Congratulations to our 4 PhD graduates of 2020

Congratulations to Simon Graham, Mary Shapcott, Muhammad Shaban and Navid Alemi Koohbanani on the successful defense of their PhD theses

Sun 14 Feb 2021, 14:02

Warwick TIA to participate in the €70M BIGPICTURE consortium

The Warwick TIA team represented by Prof Nasir Rajpoot and Dr Shan Raza are delighted to be part of the EU-wide €70M BIGPICTURE project.


To take AI development in pathology to the next level, a European consortium combining leading European research centres, hospitals as well as major pharmaceutical industries, is going to develop a repository for the sharing of pathology data. The 6-year, €70M project called BIGPICTURE, will herald a new era in pathology.

See the RadboudMC (coordinator) announcement for more info at:

Wed 10 Feb 2021, 13:29 | Tags: Grants

Division of Biomedical Sciences, Warwick Medical School Divisional Seminar Series-10th February

On Wednesday 10th February, Dr Fayyaz Minhas delivered a seminar titled "Machine Learning Guided Discovery of Protein Interactions and Functions."

Please see the link here for more information.

Wed 10 Feb 2021, 13:00

Congrats to Navid on the acceptance of his paper in IEEE TMI

Congratulations to our recent PhD student Navid Alemi Koohbanani on the acceptance of his paper titled "Deep Learning based Digital Cell Profiles for Risk Stratification of Urine Cytology Images" in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. This article is the result of a successful collaboration with colleagues at the I2R in Singapore.

WRAP link:

Publisher's link:

Wed 10 Feb 2021, 12:43

Congrats to Ruqayya on the acceptance of her paper on urine cytology in Cytometry Part A

Congratulations to our PhD student Ruqayya Awan on the acceptance of her paper titled "Deep Learning based Digital Cell Profiles for Risk Stratification of Urine Cytology Images" in Cytometry Part A

Publisher's link:

Wed 10 Feb 2021, 12:35 | Tags: Papers

Welcome to new graduate students

Welcome to Muhammad Dawood, Rob Jewsbury and Ruoyu Wang, who join the TIA team as PhD students (Nov/Oct 2020), Manahail Raza as an MRes student (Dec 2020) and Gozde Gunesli as a PhD student (Jan 2021).

Tue 02 Feb 2021, 08:52

Swiss Consortium for Digital Pathology: SDiPath Annual Meeting - 14th January 2021

Pro Nasir Rajpoot speaks at the SDiPath Annual meeting, January 2021.

Please find the link here for further information.

Tue 19 Jan 2021, 17:29

AI Centres of Excellence 'Ethics in Imaging' Webinar - 14th January

An ethics workshop, organised for Thursday 14th January, brings together AI Centres of Excellence to further explore 'Ethics in Imaging'.

Tue 19 Jan 2021, 17:05

AIPD (International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Digital Pathology) -10th January 2021

Prof Nasir Rajpoot delivers a keynote speech titled: "Computational Pathology for Precision Medicine" - 10th January 2021.

Please follow the link here for more information.

Mon 11 Jan 2021, 16:34

Beat the Pathologist: Winners announced!

Congratulations to the winners and all those who took part in the Pathcomp 'Beat the Pathologist' competition!

Thank you to all those who took part in this Autumn competition, it has been very successful and we look forward to seeing some future pathologists!

Please find the winners and more competition information here.

Also find further information of the competition here.

Tue 22 Dec 2020, 13:55

7th Digital Pathology & AI Congress: Europe - 3 Dec 2020

On Thursday 3rd December Dr Fayyaz Minhas gave a presentation titled "Whole slide images are graphs" at the Digital Pathology Congress (London, Virtual Meeting)

Please follow the link here to view the presentation.

Fri 04 Dec 2020, 14:45

7th Digital Pathology & AI Congress: Europe (3rd-4th December 2020)

We are very excited to announce that Dr. Fayyaz Minhas will be a presenter in the upcoming Digital & AI Congress 2020. (Virtual Meeting)

This will take place Thursday 3rd December-Friday 4th December 2020.

Please follow the link here for registration details and more information about the Congress.

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 19:10

Upcoming Health GRP webinar: 4 Dec 2020

Assistant Professor Fayyaz Minhas will be discussing his work on machine learning guided discovery of anti-CROSPR proteins in collaboration with this year's Chemistry Nobel Dr. Jennifer Doudna in this seminar series. If you would like to hear more about this and other exciting talks on single-cell sequencing and a flavour based COVID-19 test, you can register here.

"Application of novel technologies" in Biomedical space at 11-12pm on Friday 4th December 2020.

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 18:10

BWH Pathology Grand Rounds- 5 Oct 2020

Prof Nasir Rajpoot speaks at the Brigham Women's Hospital Pathology Grand Rounds - 5 Oct 2020

Please follow the twitter link here for more information.

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 17:10

North West Seminar Series of Mathematical Biology and Data Science - 23 Nov 2020

Prof Nasir Rajpoot's speaks at a virtual seminar series organised by University of Manchester, University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University.

Please follow the YouTube link here to view the presentation

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 12:00

Autumn Newsletter 2020

 Our latest Autumn Newsletter 2020 edition has been released!

Find the link here or have a look at our newsletter page for further information and previous newsletters.

The newsletter includes latest updates, recruitment, celebrations & publications from the PathLAKE Warwick team!

Fri 13 Nov 2020, 14:50

PathLAKE Plus £13.5 million funding: Press release

We are excited to announce that PathLAKE has received funding of £13.5 million towards the PathLAKE Centre of Excellence!

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has emphasised the importance of supporting Artificial Intelligence and embracing technology to save lives.

Please see here for further details.

Follow twitter link here

Fri 06 Nov 2020, 13:05 | Tags: Education Grants PathLAKE People

Cancer Research UK: Professor Nasir Rajpoot awarded funding to use machine learning to improve the early detection of oral cancer

Congratulations to Professor Nasir Rajpoot!

Cancer Research UK is funding a study to examine the use of machine learning to assist pathologists and improve the early detection of oral cancer.

"We are very excited to work on this project with Dr Khurram and his team at Sheffield. Early detection of cancer is a key focus area of research in our lab and this award by CRUK adds to the portfolio of research at the TIA lab on early detection of cancer.

The pilot project will pave the way towards the development of a tool that can help identify pre-malignant changes in oral dysplasia, crucial for the early detection of oral cancer. Successful completion of this project carries significant potential for saving lives and improving patient healthcare provision." -- Professor Nasir Rajpoot

Please see here for further information

Tue 03 Nov 2020, 17:00

'Pathcomp' Beat the Pathologist Competition!

Join us in the exciting 'Beat the Pathologist' Competition to learn exciting ways to annotate and explore digital pathology! Follow the link for more information & registration.

Opening 17/10/20

Closing 16/11/20

There are three categories:

Up to year 6 (primary)/ Y7-Y11 (secondary)/ Y12-Y13 (Sixth Form)

Prizes are awarded to the top three scorers in each category.

Sat 17 Oct 2020, 17:35 | Tags: Contests Education PathLAKE

Tango2: Beat the Pathologists!

Welcome to the competition! This competition has been created for children to experiment and learn exciting ways to annotate.

Please follow the link here for further information.

There are three main levels:

  1. Mild
  2. Hot
  3. Spicy
Tue 06 Oct 2020, 16:00 | Tags: Education, PathLAKE, People

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