WES ICWarwick Environmental Systems Interdisciplinary Centre
Warwick Environmental Systems Interdisciplinary Centre
Vision and Aims of WESIC
Warwick Environmental Systems Interdisciplinary Centre (WESIC) connects researchers from across Warwick University faculties to find solutions to global challenges, including climate change, sustainability and environmental pollution. Our expertise spans the Life and Environmental Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.
WESIC is led by a multidisciplinary cross-faculty team which includes researchers from the School of Life Sciences, Global Sustainable Development and Engineering
Warwick provides an exciting variety of undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities for interdisciplinary study of global environmental change, sustainability and practical solutions to environmental challenges.
The climate crisis is closer than you might think. The food we eat, the products we buy, the car we drive, the place we choose to live…so many things play a small but significant role in the global story of ecological instability - whether we’re contributing to the problem or feeling the effects.
Click here to learn more about the University Of Warwick's campaign to highlight polymer and plastic waste, how to utilise earthworms for healthier soil, and much more.