Industrial Researchers
XMaS welcomes and encourages industrial users to access the full range of facilities at and around the beamline. Users from industrial companies are welcome to do both non-proprietary and proprietary research and we recognise that many research programs will be done in collaboration with University research groups. Proposals for non-proprietary industrial research should be submitted in the same way as all other proposals and will be reviewed and allocated beam time by the same mechanism. Results are expected to be published in peer reviewed literature and the data may be publically requested.
Proprietary research on the XMaS beamline is managed by the ESRF.
Costs to Users
Non-proprietary Research
XMaS does not charge for access if the user's research is non-proprietary (results are published in open literature). Funding will be provided to cover travel and subsistence. We have some limited funds to design, build and commission sample environments but there is no funding for consumables.
Proprietary Research
Users performing proprietary research pay a fee fixed by the ESRF. The user may then take title to any inventions and all technical data generated during the program. It is not expected that such research be published in the open literature. For additional information about proprietary research, please contact the ESRF business development office.