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See the Glossary for a description of commonly used terms and acronyms associated with the HAT projects.

Rock KR, Chapman LAC, Dobson AP, Adams ER, Hollingsworth D The Hidden Hand of Asymptomatic Infection Hinders Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases: A Modeling AnalysisLink opens in a new window Clinical Infectious Diseases

Crump RE, Aliee M , Sutherland SA, Huang C, Crowley EH, Spencer SEF, Keeling MJ, Shampa C, Miaka EM and Rock KS Modelling timelines to elimination of sleeping sickness in the DRC accounting for possible cryptic human and animal transmissionLink opens in a new window Parasites & Vectors Paper summaries: English Link opens in a new windowFrenchLink opens in a new window 

Antillon M, Huang C, Sutherland SA, Crump RE, Brown PE, Bessell PR, Crowley EH, Snijders R, Hope A, Tirados I, Dunkley S, Verlé P, Lebuki J, Shampa C, Miaka EM, Tediosi F, Rock KS (2024) Cost-effectiveness of end-game strategies against sleeping sickness across the Democratic Republic of CongoLink opens in a new window MedRXiV (not yet peer-reviewed) Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window FrenchLink opens in a new window 
Davis CN, Crump RE, Sutherland SA, Spencer SEF, Corbella A, Chansy S, Lebuki J, Miaka EM, Rock KS (2024) Comparison of stochastic and deterministic models for gambiense sleeping sickness at different spatial scales: A health area analysis in the DRC.Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window PLoS Computational Biology Paper summaries: English Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowFrenchLink opens in a new window
Kaba D, Koffi M, Kouakou L, N’Gouan EK, Djohan V, Courtin F, N’Djetchi MK, Coulibaly B, Adingra GP, Berté D, Dieudonné Ta BT, Koné M, Sutherland SA, Crump RE, Huang C, Madan J, Bessell PR, Barreaux A, Solano P, Crowley EH , Rock KS, Jamonneau V (2023). Towards the sustainable elimination of human African trypanosomiasis in Côte d’Ivoire using an integrated approachLink opens in a new window PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Huang CH, Crump RE, Crowley EH, Hope AH, Bessell PR, Shampa C, Miaka, EM, Rock, KR (2023) A modelling assessment of short- and medium-term risks of programme interruptions for gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the DRCLink opens in a new window PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Paper summaries: English, French
Antillon, M, Huang, CH, Sutherland, SA, Crump, RE, Bessell, PR, Shaw, APM, Tirados, I, Picado, A, Bieler, S, Brown, PE, Solano, P, Mbainda, S, Darnas, J, Wang-Steverding, X, Crowley, EH, Peka, M, Tediosi, F, Rock, KS (2023) Health economic evaluation of strategies to eliminate gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the Mandoul disease focus of ChadLink opens in a new window PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window
Huang, C, Crump RE, Brown P, Spencer, SEF, Miaka, EM, Shampa C, Keeling, MJ, Rock, KS (2022). Identifying target regions for enhanced control of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of CongoLink opens in a new window. Nature Communications Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window
Antillon, M, Huang, C, Crump, RE, Brown, P, Snijders, R, Miaka, EM, Rock, KS, Tediosi, F (2022).

Cost-effectiveness of sleeping sickness elimination campaigns in five settings of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Nature Communications Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window
Rock KS, Huang C, Crump RE, Bessell PR, Brown PE, Tirados I, Solano P, Antillon M, Picado A, Mbainda S, Darnas J, Crowley EH, Torr SJ, Peka M (2022) Update of transmission modelling and projections of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the Mandoul focus, Chad.Link opens in a new window Infectious Diseases of Poverty Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window
Crump RE, Huang C-I, Spencer SEF, Brown PE, Shampa C, Mwamba Miaka E & Rock KS (2021) Modelling to infer the role of animals in gHAT transmission and elimination in DRCLink opens in a new window PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window

Antillon M, Huang CH, Rock KS, Tediosi (2021) The economic premium for elimination in the face of uncertainty: An extension to the net benefits framework and an application to human African trypanosomiasis end-game programsLink opens in a new window PNAS Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window

Davis, CN, Keeling, MJ, Rock KS (2021). Modelling gambiense human African trypanosomiasis infection in villages of the Democratic Republic of Congo using Kolmogorov forward equationsLink opens in a new window Interface. Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window

Aliee, M, Keeling, MJ, Rock, KS (2021). Modelling to explore the potential impact of asymptomatic human infections on transmission and dynamics of African sleeping sicknessLink opens in a new window. PLoS Computational Biology. Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window

Clark, J, Stolk, WA, Basáñez, MG, ... Rock, KS et al (2021). How modelling can help steer the course set by the World Health Organization 2021-2030 roadmap on neglected tropical diseasesLink opens in a new window [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. Gates Open Res, 5:112

Davis, CN, Castaño, MS, Aliee, M, Patel, S, Miaka, EM, Keeling, MJ, Spencer, SEF, Chitnis, N, Rock, KS (2021). Modelling to quantify the likelihood that elimination of transmission has occurred using routine gambiense human African trypanosomiasis surveillance data. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciab190. Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window
Aliee, M, Castaño, MS, Davis, CN, Patel, S, Miaka, EM, Spencer, SEF, Keeling, MJ, Chitnis, N, Rock, KS (2021). Predicting the impact of COVID-19 interruptions on transmission of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in two health zones of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Paper summaries: EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window
Davis, C, Rock, KS, Antillón, M, Miaka, EM, Keeling, MJ (2021). Cost-effectiveness modelling to optimise active screening strategy for gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of CongoLink opens in a new window. BMC Medicine Paper summaries:  EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window
Crump, RE, Huang, C, Knock, ES, Spencer, SEF, Brown, PE, Mwamba Miaka,E, Shampa, C, Keeling, MJ, Rock, KS (2021). Quantifying epidemiological drivers of gambiense human African Trypanosomiasis across the Democratic Republic of CongoLink opens in a new window. PLoS Computational Biology Paper summaries:  EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window
NTD Modelling Consortium Discussion Group on Gambiense Human African Trypanosomiasis (2020). ILink opens in a new windownsights from quantitative and mathematical modelling on the proposed 2030 goal for gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (gHAT)Link opens in a new window Gates Open Res
Aliee, M, Rock, KS, Keeling, MJ (2020). Estimating the time to extinction of infectious diseases in mean-field approachesLink opens in a new window. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 17 (173) Paper summaries:  EnglishLink opens in a new window, FrenchLink opens in a new window

Geerts, M, Van Reet, N, Leyten, S, Berghmans, R, Rock, KS, Coetzer, THT, Eyssen, LE-A, Büscher, P (2020). Trypanosoma brucei gambiense-iELISA: A promising new test for the post-elimination monitoring of human African trypanosomiasis. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciaa1264.

Davis, CN, Rock, KS, Keeling, MJ (2020). Human African trypanosomiasis: current status and eradication effortsLink opens in a new window. CAB Reviews. doi: 10.1079/PAVSNNR202015028

Castaño, MS, Ndeffo-Mbah, ML, Rock, KS, Palmer, C, Knock, E, Miaka, EM, Ndung’u, JM, Torr, S, Verlé, P, Spencer, SEF, Galvani, A, Bever, C, Keeling, MJ, Chitnis, N (2020). Assessing the impact of aggregating disease stage data in model predictions of human African trypanosomiasis transmission and control activities in Bandundu province (DRC)Link opens in a new window. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases , 14(1), e0007976.

Castaño, MS, Aliee, M, Miaka, EM, Keeling, MJ, Chitnis, N, Rock, KS (2019). Screening Strategies for a Sustainable Endpoint for Gambiense Sleeping SicknessLink opens in a new window. The Journal of Infectious Diseases.

Davis, CN, Rock, KS, Miaka, EM, Keeling, MJ (2019). Village-scale persistence and elimination of gambiense human African trypanosomiasisLink opens in a new window. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases , 13(10), e0007838.

Rock KS, Ndeffo-Mbah ML, Castaño S, Palmer C, Pandey A, Atkins KE, Ndung’u JM, Hollingsworth TD, Galvani A, Bever C, Chitnis N. (2018). Assessing strategies against Gambiense sleeping sickness through mathematical modeling. Clinical infectious diseases 66(suppl_4):S286-92.

Büscher, P, Bart, J. M., Boelaert, M, Bucheton, B, Cecchi, G, Chitnis, N, ... Rock KS et al. (2018). Do cryptic reservoirs threaten gambiense-sleeping sickness elimination?. Trends in Parasitology.

Mahamat, MH, Peka, M, Rayaisse, JB, Rock, KS, Toko, MA, Darnas, J, ... & Courtin, F (2017). Adding tsetse control to medical activities contributes to decreasing transmission of sleeping sickness in the Mandoul focus (Chad). PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases , 11(7), e0005792.

Rock, KS, Pandey, A, Ndeffo-Mbah, ML, Atkins, KE, Lumbala, C, Galvani, A, & Keeling, MJ (2017). Data-driven models to predict the elimination of sleeping sickness in former Equateur province of DRC. Epidemics, 18, 101-112.

Rock, KS, Torr, SJ, Lumbala, C, & Keeling, MJ (2017). Predicting the impact of intervention strategies for sleeping sickness in two high-endemicity health zones of the Democratic Republic of Congo. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases , 11(1), e0005162.

Hollingsworth, TD, Adams, ER, Anderson, RM, Atkins, K, Bartsch, S, Basáñez, MG, ... Keeling MJ, ... Rock KS, et al. (2015). Quantitative analyses and modelling to support achievement of the 2020 goals for nine neglected tropical diseases. Parasites & vectors, 8(1), 630.

Rock, KS Torr, SJ, Lumbala, C, & Keeling, MJ (2015). Quantitative evaluation of the strategy to eliminate human African trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Parasites & vectors, 8(1), 532.

Rock, KS, Stone, CM, Hastings, IM, Keeling, MJ, Torr, SJ, & Chitnis, N (2015). Mathematical models of human African trypanosomiasis epidemiology. In Advances in parasitology (Vol. 87, pp. 53-133).

HAT MEPP researchers

HAT MEPP lead:

Kat Rock

(Professor, Warwick)

Kat Rock headshot

Matt Keeling

(Professor, Warwick)

Matt Keeling headshot

Jason Madan

(Professor, Warwick)

Jason Madan headshot

Fabrizio Tediosi

(Group leader, Swiss TPH)

Fabrizio Tediosi headshot

Simon Spencer

(Associate Professor, Warwick)

Simon Spencer headshot

Louise Dyson

(Associate Professor, Warwick)

Louise Dyson headshot

Emily Crowley

(Scientific Project Manager)

Marina Antillon 

(PDRA, Swiss TPH)

Marina Antillon headshot

Ron Crump

(PDRA, Warwick)

Ron Crump headshot

Ching-I Huang

(PDRA, Warwick)

Ching-I Huang headshot

Chris Davis

(PDRA, Warwick)

Paul Brown

(Software Developer, Warwick)

Paul Brown headshot

Former team members

Xia Wang-Steverding

(PDRA, Warwick)

Xia Wang-Steverding headshot

Maryam Aliee

(PDRA, Warwick)

Ben Miller

(PhD student, Warwick)