AS CDT Seminars
During term time, AS CDT hosts a weekly lunchtime seminar each Tuesday (weeks 2-9 in Terms 1-3). The Seminar is held in the MOAC Seminar Room (top floor of Senate House). A free ploughman's lunch is served at 11:45, with talks starting at 12:00 to finish by 12:50.
Tuesday, June 04, 2024
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Dr Gabriel Perez Garcia of the Science and Technology Facilities Council, title TBCMOAC Seminar Room, 2nd Floor Senate HouseDear All There will be an AS & MAS CDT Seminar taking place on Tuesday 4th June at 12 noon. Dr Gabriel Perez Garcia will present a seminar on his research, title TBC. The talk will be delivered in the MOAC Seminar Room, M3.01 2nd floor Senate House. A Buffet Lunch will be served at 11:45 am prior to the seminar in the MOAC Common Room, 2nd Floor Senate House.