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We are always interested to hear from talented and motivated scientists. If you wish to join the group, please get in touch.

Postdoctoral positions

Specific postdoctoral positions will be advertised, but enquiries from outstanding candidates who seek support for external fellowship applications are welcome at any time. Please include a CV and cover letter, detailing potential funding agencies. Applicants with experience in organometallic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and catalysis are best suited to work in our group.

Potential sources of funding include: EUTOPIA SIF Fellowships (UK < 1y)Link opens in a new window, WIRL COFUND Fellowships (UK < 1y)Link opens in a new window, Newton International Fellowships (non-UK)Link opens in a new window, SNSF Postdoc.Mobility (Swiss PhD graduates)Link opens in a new window, Marie Curie Actions (UK < 1y)Link opens in a new window, DFG Walter Benjamin Programme (Germany ≥ 3y)Link opens in a new window, NSERC postdoctoral fellowships (Canadian nationals)Link opens in a new window, Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships (Canadian nationals)Link opens in a new window.

PhD positions

PhD positions are available in our group each year, usually starting in October. Details on how to apply are found on the chemistry homepageLink opens in a new window. There are a number of funding schemes available through the University: CENTA CDT (UK, January deadline)Link opens in a new window, Chancellor's International Scholarships (non-UK, January deadline)Link opens in a new window, China Scholarship Council (Chinese nationals, January deadline)Link opens in a new window, Monash-Warwick Alliance Scholarships (UK/non-UK, January deadline)Link opens in a new window, EUTOPIA co-tutelle programme (UK/EU, April deadline)Link opens in a new window. Full list hereLink opens in a new window.

Other sources of funding include: Commonwealth scholarships (non-UK, deadline varies)Link opens in a new window, John Monash scholarships (Australian nationals, July deadline)Link opens in a new window, Doctoral loans (UK)Link opens in a new window.

Informal enquires are encouraged as early as possible; please include a CV.

MChem / summer projects

MChem and MSc(Research)Link opens in a new window projects are available each year in the group. We can also accommodate talented and committed undergraduate students for short research projects in the group over summer through the Warwick Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme (URSS)Link opens in a new window or Royal Society funded bursariesLink opens in a new window. Enquires from perspective students are welcomed at all times, although advanced expressions of interest is advised.