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General News Feed

Welcome to your redesigned student-run Engineering webpage. It has now been optimised for mobile browsers, too.

Click on the logos above to find out more about your SSLC and engineering-related societies. Remember to check the news feed below regularly for information, events and feedback from various student-run bodies. Never miss an article: click the "Add to START" button just below the news feed to add it to your Start.Warwick page. If you find this webpage useful, please 'like' and share it using the buttons above! :)

Any suggestions or comments are welcome - please email the relevant page contact (found at the far bottom left).

Post your own news!

If you or your society have any event or opportunity that's relevant to Engineering students that you'd like to advertise here as a news item, then please fill in and submit this form. Thanks!

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Taking a year abroad - meeting

Have you ever considered going on a year abroad during your Engineering studies? The experience and skills you'll gain from such an experience are varied and invaluable, and will make your CV stand out from the crowd... On top of that, it may prove to be the best year of your life!

A meeting will be held by Pr Roger Green and Amanda Ashby from the International Office for students interested in taking a year abroad on: Wednesday 21st November at 17.00-19.00 in A401.

You'll get the chance to find out about various opportunities to take a year out, including as part of the Engineering Exchange programmes or the Erasmus scheme.

If you'd like to read some short reports written by Engineering students who have taken a year out in the past, check out the "Engineering News" pdf document on the right of this page.

Sun 18 Nov 2012, 21:30 | Tags: Careers SSLC

Warwick Climate Forum

On Saturday 24th November (Week 8) People & Planet and Warwick Hub will be holding the annual Warwick Climate Forum. The aim is "to encourage valuable discussion surrounding climate change and its broader implications in order to inspire a generation of students at this critical moment in global history."

This year's Warwick Climate Forum is set to be an exciting day of workshops, debate and discussion, featuring high-profile speakers such as:

  • Chris Goodall (businessman, author (including Ten Technologies to Save the Planet, Sustainability: All That Matters), Guardian correspondent and climate change expert)
  • Danny Chivers (Author and Slam Poet)
  • Stuart Parkinson (Scientists for Global Responsibility)
  • Chris Warwick (Head of Communications at Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
  • Phil Thornhill (National Coordinator for the Campaign against Climate Change Steering Committee)
  • Rosemary Collier (Director of Warwick Crop)
  • Phoebe Cullingworth (Member of People and Planet's National committee)

+ more...

For further information about the conference visit Tickets are now on sale here.

For more information on Warwick People & Planet, click here.
For more information on Warwick Hub, click here.

Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:01 | Tags: Societies

Warwick International Development Summit

Last chance to buy your ticket for WIDS!

The theme for this years summit is "The Faces of International Development: Old Ideas, New Solutions".

Our speakers include Mahmoud Mohieldin (Managing Director, World Bank), Jeffrey Sachs (Director, Earth Institute Columbia University) and Lord Meghnad Desai (Emeritus Professor and Founder of Global Governance Institute LSE) amongst other high profile figures.

For more information and to buy tickets please visit: or see our Facebook event.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Fri 16 Nov 2012, 12:53 | Tags: Societies

Free software available at Warwick

Did you know you can download professional software onto your own computer for free, using licenses purchased by the University or by the School of Engineering? This includes Matlab, Simulink and Mathematica.

Other software (such as Microsoft Office 2010) are available for students to download at reduced prices.

Sat 10 Nov 2012, 15:14

Start.Warwick Mobile App for iPhone, iPad and Android

Download the free Start.Warwick app for iPhone or Android, enabling you to create your own customised page of Warwick-related information on your iPhone, iPad, or any device that uses Android.

The Start.Warwick app currently includes:

  • Bus times and other travel-related information, including trains and driving directions
  • Opening times around campus (Library, cafés and restaurants, Sports Centre...)
  • A map of campus that you can search for room locations
  • Contact Numbers for Warwick's departments and services
  • Staff Contact Details Search with details of all Warwick staff
  • News and Events at Warwick
  • IT-related information - details of any disruptions to normal service

IT Services will add extra features in future versions. These extra features will allow you to customise your Start.Warwick app based on your IT Services login code.

Download the free Start.Warwick app now:

images.jpeg android-market.png

Fri 09 Nov 2012, 19:21

Wind turbine volunteering opportunity

A local school in Birmingham (which is a charity) recently contacted Warwick to ask for voluntary assistance in rebuilding a wind turbine.

The school has a wind turbine that is not working, and the company that made it has now gone bust, so there's no chance of them fixing it. As a result, the school has asked for any Warwick students for assistance in fixing the wind turbine. Since the school is a charity, they don't have much money so any voluntary help they can get would be greatly appreciated.

If you'd be interested in helping out, please email Yung-Yu Lau with your year, pathway/stream and perhaps a small reason for why you're interested, with 'LSProject WindTurbine' in the subject line. If enough people show interest, we can try and organise something :)

Thu 08 Nov 2012, 17:49 | Tags: EngSoc Societies

Engineering Challenge

Show off your talents

Looking for a different way to get your skills in front of the UK's finest engineering and construction companies? Last year the team that went won the competition and £250 cash. Show your teamwork and ingenuity, get some industrial links, add it to your CV, potentially win some money. This event only comes along once a year and is great fun, so don't miss it.

When: 23 and 24 November (Friday and Saturday Week 8)
Where: NEC Birmingham
How: Email

Wed 07 Nov 2012, 11:17 | Tags: EngSoc

Work experience, applications and interviews

Now is the time to be applying for work experience, internships and graduate schemes!

Here are some useful resources from Student Careers and Skills to help you with applying for jobs, preparing for interviews and practising aptitude tests:

Also, the presentation given last Friday by Peggy Vazoura (Placement Learning Officer) about Work Experience for Engineers is now available for downloading from myAdvantage.

Tue 06 Nov 2012, 20:18 | Tags: Careers

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