HetSys Community
The HetSys CDT provides an interdisciplinary community encompassing seven departments and three research centres at Warwick.
- Over 40 external partners, including industrial and international collaborators.
- A national centre of excellence in computational simulation, offering world-class opportunities in the West Midlands.
- 2024-25 sees the arrival of our sixth cohort.
- 2023-24 saw our first HetSys PhD graduates.

Supervisors and RSE team
Livia Bartok-Partay
Scott Habershon
Ross Hatton
Bora Karasulu
Rebecca Notman
Reinhard Maurer
(joint with Phys.)
Gabriele Sosso
Life Sciences
David Roper
Phill Stansfeld
(joint with Chem.)
Albert Bartok-Partay
(joint with Phys.)
Peter Brommer
Michael Faulkner
James Kermode
Duncan Lockerby
Neophytos Neophytou
Hatef Sadeghi
Tom Sykes
Emmanouil Kakouris
Lukasz Figiel
Ferran Brosa Planella
Radu Cimpeanu
Thomas Hudson
Susana Gomes
Tim Sullivan
(joint with Eng.)
James Sprittles
Jeremie HoussineauGareth Roberts
Heather Turner
Chris Brady
Heather Radcliffe
Marin Alexe
Tony Arber
Richard Beanland
Gavin Bell
Steven Brown
Animesh Datta
Ravindra Desai
Rachel Edwards
Nick Hine
Tom Goffrey
Katarzyna Macieszczak
David Quigley
Alex Robertson
Julie Staunton
Dimitri Veras
Neil Wilson
Peng Wang