Year 1 timetable
This is your timetable for year 1. Optional modules are included for your information only and can be sorted using the tags. Added into here will be additional HetSys events that we would like you to attend where possible.
Year 1 compatible modules: | CS909 | PX917 | PX918 | PX919 | PX923 | PX925 (assessment only) |
Year 2 only modules: |
IL939 | PX920 | PX921 | PX449 | ES98E | MA934 | ES440 | ES98E | MA4L0 |
For details of modules visit the module catalogue. To find out when modules are scheduled use this search facility or email
PX913W: Intro to Scientific Software Development
PX913: Intro to Scientific Software Development
Comprises of bespoke Python and Fortran training developed by our RSE group and will ensure students understand the core principles of programming and software development, gain experience with writing, debugging and reading code in high- and low-level languages, and learn to use common tools for data analysis and visualization. Lectures are delivered by the Research Software Engineering group of the Scientific Computing Research Technology Platform, and will cover fundamental operation of a computer, use of version control, debugging tools, and approaches to group-based software development. Comprehensive Fortran training is provided, positioning students to follow further programming option modules, most notably PX425: High Performance Computing.