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Teaching arrangements: Information for offer holders 2020

(Updated 6/7/20)

As an offer holder in this very challenging year, you may be wondering how university learning and teaching will be like in the upcoming academic year.

The mathematics department is committed to providing incoming students with the same rigorous, challenging mathematical content as in every other year. Teaching this year, however, will need to be delivered safely, following the University's policy and the government's advice. This means that your first year studying mathematics at Warwick will be a blend of face-to-face and online learning.

Here are some of our plans for 2020/21.

Refresher Mathematics

A new module we have introduced this year is Refresher Mathematics, launching 4 weeks before Term 1 begins. This module will provide revision and consolidation of important concepts from A-level mathematics, and give you a taste of what online learning would be like.


Our typical first-year cohort comprises over 300 students. Whilst lectures would normally take place in large lecture theatres, it is unlikely to be the case this year. Instead, lecturers may:
- produce video content: each video may be a smaller chunk, focussing on one or two topics,
- schedule live online events, during which the lecturer may go through worked examples, or answer questions from students,
- provide online lecture notes (as they would normally in previous years).
Your lecturers will use a variety of methods of delivering lectures (including using a blackboard, a visualiser, or a tablet) – more will be explained during the Welcome Week.

Small-Group Learning

An important part of the Warwick maths experience is learning in small groups, including:
- meeting with a supervisor to go over homework and marked assignments,
- meeting with a personal tutor to discuss your progress during the term,
- meeting with other students to discuss group projects.
We anticipate that some of these interactions will be face-to-face (following social distancing and other safety guidelines), blended with some online sessions. Students who cannot attend face-to-face sessions will be provided with alternative online sessions, with the same opportunities for interaction.