MA263 Multivariable Analysis
Lecturer: Felix Schulze
Term(s): Term 2
Status for Mathematics students: Core for MMath G103, Optional Core for BSc G100
Commitment: 30 one-hour lectures plus assignments
Assessment: 85% by 2-hour examination, 15% coursework
Formal registration prerequisites: None
Assumed knowledge:
- MA141 Analysis 1 or MA140 Mathematical Analysis 1 or MA142 Calculus 1
- MA139 Analysis 2 or MA152 Mathematical Analysis 2 or MA143 Calculus 2: epsilon-delta definition of continuity and continuous limits, properties of continuous functions, definition of derivative, Mean Value Theorem, Taylor's theorem with remainder, supremum and infimum.
- MA150 Algebra 2 or MA149 Linear Algebra or MA148 Vectors and Matrices: Rank-Nullity Theorem and its geometric interpretation, dependence of matrix representation of a linear map with respect to a choice of bases, determinant.
- MA144 Methods of Mathematical Modelling 2 or MA145 Mathematical Methods and Modelling 2 or MA133 Differential Equations: partial derivatives, multiple integrals, parameterisation of curves and surfaces, arclength and area, line and surface integrals, vector fields.
- MA270 Analysis 3 or MA271 Mathematical Analysis 3 : Differentiable Functions from $\mathbb{R}^n$ to $\mathbb{R}^m$ and uniform convergence.
Useful background: Plotting graphs and contour plots of simple functions of two variables; the use of appropriate mathematical software for this purpose is encouraged.
- MA266 Multilinear Algebra - particularly bilinear forms and orthogonal matrices
- MA250 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
- MA260 Norms, Metrics and Topologies or MA222 Metric Spaces
- MA269 Asymptotics and Integral Transforms
Leads to: The following modules have this module listed as assumed knowledge or useful background:
- MA3H0 Numerical Analysis and PDEs
- MA3J3 Bifurcations, Catastrophes and Symmetry
- MA3D9 Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
- MA3G8 Functional Analysis II
- MA3K0 High Dimensional Probability
- MA398 Matrix Analysis and Algorithms
- MA3H5 Manifolds
- MA3K1 Mathematics of Machine Learning
- MA3D1 Fluid Dynamics
- MA3B8 Complex Analysis
- MA3G1 Theory of Partial Differential Equations
- MA3H7 Control Theory
- MA3G7 Functional Analysis I
- MA448 Hyperbolic Geometry
- MA4J1 Continuum Mechanics
- MA4C0 Differential Geometry
- MA4H0 Applied Dynamical Systems
- MA424 Dynamical Systems
- MA4A2 Advanced Partial Differential Equations
- MA4L9 Variational Analysis and Evolution Equations
- Differentiable Functions from $\mathbb{R}^n$ to $\mathbb{R}^m$
- Inverse Function Theorem and Implicit Function Theorem
- Higher Dimensinal Riemann Integration
- Vector Fields, Green’s Theorem in the plane, Stokes' Theorem on 2-dimensional surfaces and the Divergence Theorem in $\mathbb{R}^3$
- Taylor’s theorem in higher dimensions and maxima, minima and saddles
Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate understanding of the basic concepts, theorems and calculations of multivariate analysis
- Demonstrate understanding of the Implicit and Inverse Function Theorems and their applications
- Demonstrate understanding of vector fields and Green’s Theorem and the Divergence Theorem
- Demonstrate the ability to analyse and classify critical points using Taylor expansions
- R. Abraham, J. E. Marsden, T. Ratiu. Manifolds, Tensor Analysis, and Applications. Springer, second edition, 1988.
- T. M. Apostol. Mathematical Analysis. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass.-London-Don Mills, Ont., second edition, 1974.
- R. Coleman. Calculus on Normed Vector Spaces, Springer 2012. [available online via Warwick's library]
- J. J. Duistermaat, J. A. C. Kolk. Multidimensional Real Analysis I : Differentiation, CUP, 2004 [available online via Warwick's library].
- T. W. Körner. A Companion to Analysis: A Second First and First Second Course in Analysis, volume 62 of Graduate Studies in Mathematics. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2004.
- J. E. Marsden and A. Tromba. Vector Calculus. Macmillan Higher Education, sixth edition, 2011.