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MEMVIE (Mathematical & Economic Modelling for Vaccination and Immunisation Evaluation)

In June 2017 I began work on a project between Warwick and the UK Department of Health, entitled MEMVIE (Mathematical & Economic Modelling for Vaccination and Immunisation Evaluation). The project involved the construction of novel mathematical and statistical models for simulating the spread of infectious diseases in humans, and evaluating the cost-effectiveness of different vaccination interventions.

My focus was on seasonal influenza. The outputs of the models were used in conjunction with independent modelling done by Public Health England (part of the Department of Health), to advise on future vaccination policy in the UK. The project is headed by Matt Keeling, and my research partners included: Graham Medley (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Martin Underwood, Stavros Petrou, Sophie Staniszewska and Tinevimbo Shiri (Warwick Medical School).

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Edward dot Hill at warwick dot ac dot uk


Room 5.14
Mathematical Sciences Building
University of Warwick


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