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Vanthana Ganeshalingam

I am a fourth year PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Adam ThomasLink opens in a new window and Prof. Derek HoltLink opens in a new window. My research interests lie in representation theory and algebraic groups, specifically I am studying the representations and subgroup structure of exceptional algebraic groups. I'm also interested in computational group theory. Currently, I am working on completing the classification of non-G-completely reducible (non-G-cr) subgroups of G of type F4 (up to conjugacy). My thesis will be entitled 'On the non-completely reducible subgroups of F4'.

Education: I completed an MSci in Mathematics at Imperial College London (2020) with a year abroad at MIT (2018). My fourth year project was supervised by Prof. Martin LiebeckLink opens in a new window and was entitled '1-Cohomology of the Finite Classical Groups'.


Office: B0.16

Preprint/ Publications:

  • Maximal subgroups of maximal rank in the classical algebraic groups (2024). Submitted [arXiv:2407.16317]
  • On the non-completely reducible subgroups of type F4 (PhD Thesis). In preparation (Expected Aug 2024)



AGGITatE Days 2022Link opens in a new window (Essex, April 2022)

Future directionsLink opens in a new window in algebraic groups and Lie algebras in the UK in (Birmingham, April 2022)

Oberwolfach SeminarLink opens in a new window: G-Complete Reducibility, Geometric Invariant Theory and Spherical Buildings (Oberwolfach, June 2022)

Probabilistic Group TheoryLink opens in a new window (Bristol, June 2023)

Algebraic Groups and their RepresentationsLink opens in a new window (Birmingham, July 2023)


Junior London Algebra ColloqiuumLink opens in a new window (March 2022)

Focused ResearchLink opens in a new window: Completely Reducible Subalgebras of Lie Algebras (July 2022)

Groups St Andrews 2022Link opens in a new window in Newcastle (August 2022)

Warwick Algebra SeminarLink opens in a new window (March 2023)


University of Warwick

2020 - 2021 Supervisor of two groups of first year Mathematics students Terms 1 & 2
2020 - 2021 TA for MA377 - Rings and ModulesLink opens in a new window Term 2
2020 - 2021 TA for MA453 - Lie AlgebrasLink opens in a new window Term 2
2021 - 2022 TA for MA251 - Algebra 1: Advanced Linear AlgebraLink opens in a new window Term 1
2021 - 2022 TA for MA249 - Algebra 2: Groups and RingsLink opens in a new window Term 2
2022 - 2023 TA for MA251 - Algebra 1: Advanced Linear AlgebraLink opens in a new window Term 1
2022 - 2023 TA for MA442 - Group TheoryLink opens in a new window Term 2
