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Teaching and Outreach


I have taught a range of applied mathematics modules, usually involving PDEs or interacting particle systems (ideally involving noise). See below for the modules I taught in the past and/or am currently teaching.

At Warwick:

ES98D - Particle Based Modelling: Lecturer (and design, first half of the module), Spring 2024.

MA145 - Mathematical Methods and Modelling 2: Lecturer, Spring 2024 and 2025.

MA933 - Stochastic Modelling and Random Processes: Lecturer, Fall 2021, 2022, and 2023.

MA3H0 - Numerical Analysis & PDEs: Lecturer, Spring 2020, Spring 2021

IATL IL027 - Interdisciplinary Computer Modelling: Guest Lecturer (Spring 2019, Spring 2020)

I teach a 2-hour lecture on interacting particle systems and their use to model collective dynamics (including collective behaviour of animals, or of pedestrians in crowds).

MA912 - Analysis for Linear PDEs: Lecturer, Fall 2018

At Imperial:

M4A44 - Computational Stochastic Processes: Lecturer, Spring 2018

Some of my lecture notes from this course are available on my colleague Urbain Vaes' website.


I am happy to supervise projects in topics ranging from control theory for PDEs, or in PDEs or agent-based models in social sciences (e.g., pedestrian dynamics, opinion dynamics,...). I am also happy to supervise URSS students in the topics mentioned above!

Topics of past projects I supervised in Warwick include:

  • URSS projects: controlling interacting populations, numerical methods for PDEs arising in control-theoretical problems, models for controlled drug delivery, modelling of crowds.
  • 3rd year essays: models of alignment, control of autonomous cars, neural differential equations, machine learning (clustering) methods.
  • 4th year R-projects: influence of interactions in opinion dynamics, Bayesian inference for pedestrian dynamics, modelling and inference for stock price models, cross-diffusion models for pedestrian dynamics, density fluctuations in interacting particle systems.
  • MSc projects: reinforcement learning methods for parameter estimation in crowd dynamics.

Advice for PhD students searching for jobs

Check out a joint presentation with Marie-Therese Wolfram for the MASDOC retreat 2019 (link)

Other activities

I have contributed to Open Days in Warwick, both for Q&A sessions and for panel sessions where I showed some of the uses of Applied Mathematics in "real life".

I try to participate in various Women in Maths events and earlier in 2020 I was selected as the Highly Commended Candidate in Maths and Computer Science for the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship. Together with the other shortlisted candidates, we created a video to encourage young women to pursue careers in science, which you can see on the right of this page!

In March 2019 I was shortlisted to present my work on inverse problems for pedestrian dynamics in the Houses of Parliament as part of the STEM for Britain competition. Here's a press release about it, which was written by Warwick News.

Susana giving a talk in the Woudschoten conference, 2023

Me giving a talk at the Woudschoten Conference in 2023.

image of me teaching

A snapshot of me teaching Computational Stochastic Processes at Imperial in 2018.

In May 2020 I was selected as the Highly Commended Candidate in Maths and Computer Science for the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women In Science Fellowship and was lucky enough to contribute to this video to encourage women in science.

me presenting a poster at the houses of parliament

In March 2019 I presented my work on pedestrian dynamics in the Houses of Parliament as part of the STEM for Britain competition.