Mattia Sanna
I have just completed my Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. John Cremona. I am mainly interested in Galois representations from both computational and theoretic point of view.
PhD Project: On the equivalence of 3-adic Galois representations. (currently under examination) - The project is focused on two dimensional Galois representation with values in . The theory and the methods developed leads to a fully implemented 3-adic version of the classic 2-adic Faltings-Serre method. It presents also an application to the recent results in modularity lifting.
- Linfoot Seminar - University of Bristol (January - 2020)
- Number Theory Seminar - University of Warwick (January - 2020)
- Y-RANT 2018 - The University of Sheffield ( November - 2018)
I have co-organised the following events
- Y-RANT 2019, (6th - 8th November 2019, University of Warwick)
- Hodge-Tate Study Group, (October-December 2019, University of Warwick)
- Quaternion Modular Forms Study Group, (junior Number Theory study group, April - June, University of Warwick)
- Serre's "Proprietes Galoisiennes" Study Group, (April - June, University of Warwick)
- Determining 2-dimensional
-Galois representations. (In preparation).
- An effective 3-adic Faltings-Serre Method. (In preparation).
TA and Support Classes.
- MA257 - Introduction to Number Theory - (January - March 2020)
- MA257 - Introduction to Number Theory - (January - March 2019)
- MA3A6 - Algebraic Number Thoery - (January - March 2019)
- MA3D5 - Galois Theory - (October - December 2019)
- MA257 - Introduction to Number Theory - (January - March 2018)