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Lectures will be held in Room MS.03

Monday 12th May

09:00-10:20 Registration
09:40-10:20 Daan Crommelin (CWI Amsterdam) Stochastic parameterization through statistical inference
10:20-11:00 Melanie Ades (Reading) Estimating the full posterior pdf with particle filters
11:00-11:40 Tea/Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
11:40-12:20 Sergios Agapiou (Warwick) High dimensional analysis of the Gibbs sampler for hierarchical inverse problems
12:20-13:00 Javier Amezcua/Matthew Lang (Reading) Improved proposal densities for particle filters / Parametrization estimation using data assimilation
13:00-14:00 Lunch in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
14:00-14:40 Tom Kent/Adam El-Said (Leeds/Reading) A modified shallow water model for investigating convective-scale data assimilation / Optimisation and Conditioning in Variational Data Assimilation
14:40-15:20 Abhishek Shukla/Daniel Sanz-Alonso (Warwick) Controlling unpredictability with observations in the partially observed Lorenz '96 model/Accuracy of the Optimal Filter for Partially Observed Deterministic Dynamical Systems
15:20-16:00 Philip Browne (Reading) Numerical issues when applying a particle filter to a coupled climate model
16:00-16:40 Tea/Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
16:40-17:20 Ross Bannister (Reading) How is balance of a forecast ensemble affected by adaptive and non-adaptive localization schemes?
17:20-18:00 Patrick Farrell (Oxford) Adjoints of finite element models
18:30 Dinner in the Mathematics Institute Common Room

Tuesday 13th May

09:00-09:40 Igor Gejadze (IRSTEA) On verifiability of optimal solutions in variational data assimilation problems with nonlinear dynamics
09:40-10:20 Bertrand Bonan (Reading) Data assimilation and moving point models in ice sheet modelling
10:20-11:00 Jochen Broecker (Reading) Realistic performance estimates in data assimilation experiments without the possibility of replication
11:00-11:40 Tea/Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
11:40-12:20 Marco Iglesias (Nottingham) Regularising Ensemble Kalman Methods for Inverse Problems
12:20-13:00 Mike Christie (Heriot-Watt) Comparison of Stochastic Sampling Algorithms and MCMC Methods for Uncertainty Quantification
13:00-14:00 Lunch in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
14:00-14:40 Jochen Voss (Leeds) MAP estimators and 4DVAR
14:40-15:20 Matt Dunlop/Sean Lim (Warwick/Oxford) MAP estimators and discontinuous permeabilities in groundwater flow / A Model Problem for Seismic Migration
15:20-16:00 Daniel Rey (San Diego) Accurate Data Assimilation with Sparse Data
16:00-16:40 Tea/Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
16:40-17:20 Kody Law (KAUST) A deterministic approach to filtering and EnKF for continuous stochastic processes observed at discrete times
17:20-18:00 Chris Jones (North Carolina) Joint state-parameter data assimilation by a two-stage filtering technique
18:30 Dinner in the Mathematics Institute Common Room

Wednesday 14th May

09:00-09:40 Nancy Nichols (Reading) Correlated observation errors in data assimilation
09:40-10:20 Joanne Waller (Reading) Diagnosing observation error statistics for Doppler radar radial wind
10:20-11:00 Peter Jan Van Leeuwen (Reading) What numerical weather prediction centres are doing and what they should be doing
11:00-11:40 Tea/Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
11:40-12:20 Amos Lawless (Reading) Exploring coupled data assimilation using an idealised model
12:20-13:00 Katherine Howes/Noeleene Mallia (Reading) Developing coupled data assimilation methods in the presence of model error / Assessing the Performance of Data Assimilation Algorithms with Linear Error Feedback
13:00-14:00 Lunch in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
14:00-14:40 Aretha Teckentrup (Florida State) Multilevel Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for uncertainty quantification 
14:40-15:20 Alexey Chernov (Reading) Estimation of central statistical moments with the Multilevel Monte Carlo Method