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Differential Geometry and Geometric PDE

Organiser: Peter Topping (Warwick)

Friday 21 June 2024

MS.05, Zeeman building, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick.



Lucas Ambrozio (IMPA)

Applications of the Morse Theory of the Riemannian distance function

Esther Cabezas-Rivas (Valencia)

Inverse mean curvature flow coming out of crystals

Alex Waldron (Madison)

Ɓojasiewicz inequalities for maps of the 2-sphere



9.00 - 9.50 : Alex Waldron

10.00 - 10.30 : Coffee in the common room

10.30 - 11.20 : Lucas Ambrozio

11.30 : Drive to restaurant off campus

12.00 : Lunch off campus, followed by discussions

14.30 - 15.20 : Esther Cabezas-Rivas

15.30 - 16.00 : Tea in common room

16.00 : Departmental colloquium or private discussions.

17.00 : Drinks in the common room.

18.30 : Dinner on campus TBA



No formal registration is required to attend the talks, but please email if you are coming from a different university.

Registration for lunch is closed.

Registration for dinner may still be possible. Please email to enquire.


This event is part of the UK PDE network. No travel support is available, except for members of the network who cannot claim locally.