Calf Seminar
CALF SEMINAR: See for full details
Calf is the junior COW.
The principal organiser is Tom Sutherland (Sheffield/Oxford).
Local organisers include Andrew Chan (Warwick), Alexander Shannon (Cambridge), Pawel Borowka (Bath) and Andrew MacPherson (Imperial). Calf announcements are made using the COW mailing list.
The COW seminar has some funds for travel expenses. To make a claim you have to fill in a Bath travel claim form(the word COW should appear prominently) and post it to Finance Secretary, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY.
The next Calf meeting is expected to be in Bath in early May
Previous meetings:Warwick Thursday 8th March 2012 (WT1.04, Westwood)
1.30 Alex Collins (Bath) - Representations of quivers and weighted projective lines
3.00 Jorgen Rennemo (Imperial) - Gottsche's Ex-Conjecture and the Hilbert Scheme of Points on a Surface
4.30 Taro Sano (Warwick) - Deformation theoretic approach to the classification of singular Fano 3-folds
Oxford, Wednesday 26th October 2011 (RI.1.28, Gibson Building)
1.30 Tom Sutherland (Oxford) - Stability conditions for the one-arrow quiver
3.00 John Christian Ottem (Cambridge) - Asymptotic cohomological functions
4.30 Ciaran Meachan (Edinburgh) - Moduli of Bridgeland-stable objects
Imperial, Friday 1st April 2011 (Huxley Building)
12.00 Andrew MacPherson (Imperial) - Mirror Symmetry is T-duality
2.00 Alan Thompson (Oxford) - Models for Threefolds Fibred by K3 Surfaces of Degree Two
3.30 Will Donovan (Imperial) - The McKay Correspondence
Cambridge, Saturday 8th January 2011 (MR13, CMS)
2.00 Qiu Yu (Bath) - Stability space of quivers/species of two vertices
3.30 Alex Shannon (Cambridge) - Geometry without geometry