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Callum Jones

About me

I am a 4th year PhD student supervised by Dr Erin Gorsich and Prof Michael Tildesley. My research interests lie within the field Mathematical Epidemiology, in particular evaluating control policy towards ongoing and future epidemics. My current research involves disaggregating aggregated livestock data to parameterise disease kernels for future livestock disease modelling.


  • 2019–current: PhD Mathematics for Real-World Systems. University of Warwick
  • 2018–2019: MSc Mathematics for Real-World Systems. University of Warwick, Distinction

MSc Project: ‘Characterising Swine Shipments in the United StatesSupervisors: Dr Erin Gorsich and Dr Michael Tildesley (University of Warwick)

Research Study Group: ‘Modelling the best use of sleeping sickness diagnostics under existing and emerging tools’ Supervisors: Dr Kat Rock (University of Warwick) and Prof Philippe Büscher (Institute of Tropical Medicine)

  • 2014–2018: Master of Mathematics (MMath). University of Liverpool, 1st Class.

MMATH Project: ‘Message Passing and its Relationship to Pair-based Models on Networks with SIR and SIS Dynamics’ Supervisor: Dr Kirean SharkeyLink opens in a new window

Publications In Prep

  • Characterising Swine Shipments in the United States.
    Callum Jones, Erin Gorsich , Michael Tildesley
  • Modelling porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus on a large farrow-to-wean farm.
    Callum Jones, Michael Tildesley, Kimberly VanderWaal, Cesar Corzo, Erin Gorsich

Work Experience

  • 2022: UKHSA, Data Scientist/Infectious Disease Modeller
    Three-month internship with the Infectious Disease Modelling Team. The role encompassed various analyses based on the changing climate of COVID in the UK. These included using generalised additive models (GAM) for the surveillance of the Omicron BA.2 variant and visualising attack rates of different COVID strains at different geographical scales and age groups using various big clinical datasets. I also communicated key insights of analysis to the cabinet office, used high-performance computing, and maintained code on a company-wide GitHub repository where all commits were reviewed to maintain good coding practice.

Talks and Conferences

  • 2021: Modelling porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus on a large farrow-to-wean farm - Epidemics 8. Poster
  • 2020: Mathematical models for swine disease: from assessing data to predicting the impact of control -
    University of Minnesota Swine Seminar Series, October 2020. Presentation


  • 2021: TA for Foundations of Data Analysis for Management (IB150) - 1st year undergraduate module in statistics for WBS. Contains .
  • 2019-2021: TA for Quantitative Analysis for Management I (IB121Link opens in a new window) - 1st year undergraduate module in statisitics for WBS.
  • 2020-2021: TA for Data Management (IB9HPLink opens in a new window) - 1st year postgraduate module for WBS. Ran weekly drop-in sessions to assist students from a wide variety of educational backgrounds coding in R and SQL.
  • 2020: TA for Population Dynamics: Ecology & Epidemiology (MA4E7Link opens in a new window) - 4th year undergraduate maths module.
  • 2020: TA for Maths by Computer (MA124Link opens in a new window) - 1st year undergraduate maths module. Ran labs to assist students in coding using MATLAB.

Academic Experiences and Achievements

  • 2021: Reviewer for journal Royal Society Open Science
  • 2021: Chair of EMBLEM - Organise agenda and chair weekly meetings for an epidemiology reading group.
  • 2018-2021: Postgraduate Representative on the Complexity Department SSLC (Student Staff Liaison Committee) - Represent cohort of MathSys students for module feedback and contribute to meetings regarding the SSLC's agenda.
  • 2020: Attendance at the Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases
  • 2018: Rosenhead Prize for Mathematical Sciences - Awarded by the University of Liverpool to the best overall candidate within the school of mathematical sciences.

  • 2018: IMA Prize - Awarded annually for outstanding achievement in the final year of an IMA recognised course.

  • 2017: Attendance at LMS Summer School - Competitive process, with 50 places available to students per year in the UK. The school consisted of lectures and seminars from multiple areas of mathematics, preparing for a future in academia.