Yueting Han
I am currently a second-year PhD student in MathSys IILink opens in a new window, under the joint supervision of Dr Paolo TurriniLink opens in a new window (Computer Science) and Dr Marya BazziLink opens in a new window (Maths).
My research direction is network modelling of behavioural ecology in digital ecosystems (e.g., online media and digital market). Topics of particular interest are social network dynamics, mesoscale structure (e.g., community detection and bow-tie structure), agent-based modelling and simulation. During my research, I pay special attention to network visualisation.
Y. Han, M. Bazzi, and P. Turrini, "Modelling and Predicting Online Vaccination Views using Bow-tie Decomposition". Royal Society Open Science. (2024) [PublicationLink opens in a new window; arXivLink opens in a new window; Data&CodeLink opens in a new window]
Research Activities
Poster presentation at the International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci 2024), Québec City, Canada. Modelling and Predicting Online Vaccination Views Using Bow-tie Structure (Jun 2024) [PosterLink opens in a new window]
Contributed talk at the 1st British NetSci SymposiumLink opens in a new window, London. Modelling and Predicting Online Vaccination Views Using Bow-tie Structure (May 2024)
Invited talk at the Statistics, Probability, Analysis and Applied Maths (SPAAM) seminarLink opens in a new window, University of Warwick. Modelling and Predicting Online Vaccination Views Using Bow-tie Structure (Mar 2024)
Attendee of the Mediterranean School of Complex Networks (MSCX)Link opens in a new window, Catania, Italy. Group Project: Diffusion of Music Across Artists, Regions, and Cultures (Jun 2023)
Contributed talk at the Data Natives 2023 workshop, City, University of London. Modelling and Predicting Online Vaccination Views Using Bow-tie Structure (Apr 2023)
Invited talk at the Statistics, Probability, Analysis and Applied Maths (SPAAM) seminarLink opens in a new window, University of Warwick. A Novel Understanding of Vaccination Views Competition on Facebook Interpreted by Bow-tie Structure of its Online Social Networks (Jan 2023)
Past Research Projects
MSc Group Project, University of Warwick (Mar - Jun 2022)
- Graph-based Anomaly Detection in Healthcare DataLink opens in a new window
- Supervisor: Dr Marya BazziLink opens in a new window; External Partner: KirontechLink opens in a new window; Group Members: Mark LynchLink opens in a new window & Obed NwachukwuLink opens in a new window
Research Assistant, High-performance Computing Lab of Tsinghua University
- Research on Artificial Intelligence Computational Fluid Dynamics (Jun - Sep 2021)
- Research on Parallel Implementation of LBM Computing Fluid Dynamics Simulation (Aug - Sep 2019)
- Data Processing of LBM Computing Fluid Dynamics Simulation (Jan 2019)
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK (CDT Programme - MSc leading to PhD)
PhD Mathematics of Systems (Sep 2022 - Present)
MSc Mathematics of Systems, with Distinction (Sep 2021 - Sep 2022)
University of Liverpool & Xi’an Jiaotong - Liverpool University (Dual Degree Programme)
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
BSc Mathematics, with First-class Honours (Sep 2019 - Jun 2021)
Xi’an Jiaotong - Liverpool University (XJTLU), Suzhou, China
BSc Applied Mathematics, with First-class Honours (Sep 2017 - Jun 2019)
Teaching Assistant for 1st-year Warwick Business School (WBS) module IB1220: Business Analytics (2022/23, 2023/24 - Term 2)
Led seminars covering regression, forecasting, linear programming and visualisation in Tableau and Excel. Marked group assignments.
Teaching Assistant for MSc-year Warwick Business School (WBS) module IB9BW0: Analytics in Practice (2023/24 - Term 1)
Supported R programming workshops in data processing and machine learning.
Teaching Assistant for 4th-year / MSc-year Maths module MA4M4: Topics in Complexity ScienceLink opens in a new window (2022/23 - Term 2)
Led support classes for network-related programming using Python (GitHubLink opens in a new window).
Supervisor to 1st-year Maths-Stats Students (2022/23 - Term 1)
This involves supervising and providing feedback for 2 groups of 1st-year Maths-Stats students. Modules taught include MA138: Sets and NumbersLink opens in a new window, MA140: Mathematical Analysis ILink opens in a new window and MA147: Mathematical Methods and Modelling 1Link opens in a new window.
Other Responsibilities
Committee member (treasurer) of the SIAM-IMA Student ChapterLink opens in a new window, University of Warwick (2023/24)
- Applied Mathematics Postgraduate (AMP) Conference 2024Link opens in a new window (8-10 Jul 2024), jointly with the Oxford SIAM-IMA Student ChapterLink opens in a new window
- Statistics, Probability, Analysis and Applied Mathematics (SPAAM) seminar seriesLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new wind weekly during academic terms
Co-organiser of the Interest Group: Media in the Digital AgeLink opens in a new window, The Alan Turing Institute (Dec 2023 - Present)
Contact Information
Email: yueting.han[at]warwick[dot]ac[dot]uk
Office: D1.04, Zeeman Building
Last update in June 2024
Research Interests
- Social network dynamics
- Mesoscale structure
- Agent-based models
Programming Languages:
- proficient in Python (primary language), Julia, MATLAB
- basic knowledge in R, Java (first language), C++, Maple
- Linux, GitHub, Google Colab, LaTeX
- Network visualisation: Gephi, Tulip
- Statistics: Minitab, SPSS, Tableau