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Yi Ting Loo


I am a 2nd year PhD student at MathSys II CDT,Link opens in a new window under the supervision of Prof Timothy Saunders (Warwick)Link opens in a new window, and part of the Saunders LabLink opens in a new window at the Centre for Mechanochemical Cell Biology (CMCB)Link opens in a new window. My main research interests are mathematical biology and biophysical modelling. For my PhD project, I study pattern formation and cell fate acquisition during organ development, and how complex tissue shapes emerge. I study the dynamics of organ morphogenesis through modelling with PDEs or other computational methods, of a specific organoid (stem cell culture) development, cultured in a spatially constrained environment. In my research, I also work on image analysis of immunofluorescence microscopy images to obtain data for modelling. This project is part of a wider collaboration with the Briscoe LabLink opens in a new window (Crick InstituteLink opens in a new window). As part of my PhD, I am also working on the movement and diffusion of molecules in a tortuous extracellular environment. This work is in collaboration with the Biophysical Fluorescence LaboratoryLink opens in a new window at NUS, Singapore led by Prof Thorsten WohlandLink opens in a new window.


University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

  • MSc Mathematics of Systems (with Distinction) (Autumn 2021 - Summer 2022)
  • BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics (First Class Honours) (Autumn 2018 - Summer 2021)

Shiwen Zhu and Yi Ting Loo, et al. “Receptor binding and tissue architecture explain the morphogen local-to-global mobility transition”. In:bioRxiv (2024)(in review) [bioRxivLink opens in a new window][GitHubLink opens in a new window]


Previous Research Projects

Teaching 23/24

Teaching 22/23

Small group supervisions for first-year BSc MathStats students, modules include:

Term 1
MA140 Mathematical Analysis 1
MA138 Sets and Numbers

Term 2
MA152 Mathematical Analysis 2
MA149 Linear Algebra

Other Activities:

Previous Work Experiences:




D2.11, Zeeman Building
Level 3, IBRB, Gibbet Hill Campus


Programming Languages:
  • Proficient in Python (primary programming language), working knowledge of Julia and MATLAB.
Image Analysis Tools:
  • Fiji ImageJ, Paraview.


  • LaTeX, GitHub
  • Finite element solver for PDEs: FEniCS on Python.