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McKinsey Report on Innovations in Healthcare

I thank Professor Sudhesh Kumar for drawing my attention to this report from McKinsey and Company. [1] The report provides a coherent account of the major forces involved in changing healthcare. It also provides an account of the innovations in service delivery that are being used around the world to respond to these forces. The innovations cover standardised processes to improve quality and optimise productivity, automation, staff substitution, new technologies, personalised care, digitisation, and involving patients and families in care delivery. Our ARC West Midlands includes projects covering all of these innovation types. Some important structural changes include vertical integration, super specialisation and networks of providers. This report provides a useful reference for anyone wanting a coherent summary of challenges and solutions in modern healthcare delivery.

Richard Lilford, ARC WM Director


  1. Ehrbeck T, Henke N, Kibasi T. The emerging market in health care innovation. May 2010.
Fri 11 Oct 2019, 16:00 | Tags: Richard Lilford, Healthcare