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Advanced Care Plans for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions

Carry out a cross-sectional evaluation of implementation of Advance Care Plans for children with life-limiting conditions across two NHS regions.

The Child and Young Person’s Advance Care Plan (CYPACP) is a tool to help families and professionals discuss, document, and agree plans to manage illnesses and declines expected to be reversible and emergency or end of life care. The tool has been widely adopted, but little is known about how well it is working. As a first step to understand this better, qualitative research with regional ACP co-ordinators (responsible for managing, reviewing and distributing ACPs within their areas) across the West Midlands is being carried out. An audit follows, and more qualitative research with families and NHS staff and other professionals involved in their care is planned.

Study lead: k dot l dot shaw at bham dot ac dot uk, University of Birmingham