Below is a list of useful links and resources for PPI advisors and anyone interested in public involvement in research.
- The CLAHRC West Midlands PPIE strategy - a one page document to communicate the overarching aims and ambitions of Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in the CLAHRC West Midlands initiative.
- Involve - the national advisory group in the field of public involvement in research.
- NIHR INVOLVE Values and Principles Framework
- NIHR INVOLVE Standards for Involvement
- NIHR INVOLVE Guidance on Co-Producing a Research Project
- NIHR Going the Extra Mile - final report and recommendations of the strategic review of public involvement in the NIHR
NIHR Campaigns
- NHS at 70 campaign - The National Health Service turned 70 on 5 July 2018. It’s the perfect opportunity to celebrate the achievements of one of the nation’s most loved institutions, to appreciate the vital role the service plays in our lives, and to recognise and thank the extraordinary NHS staff.
- I Am Research campaign - giving patients, the public and health and social care research professionals a chance to shout about how fantastic research is. Aiming to raise awareness of the benefits of research and the positive impact it has on people's lives.
- NIHR ‘Ok to ask’ campaign - a campaign encourage more patients or carers to ask about research opportunities that could be available to them or their loved ones, if they have a medical condition they are receiving treatment for. That essentially it is “OK to ask” about research opportunities.
- NIHR ‘make it clear’ campaign - From 14 May 2014, a good quality plain English summary, submitted as part of the standard application form, will be a requirement of NIHR funding. Guidance has been developed for researchers and for board and panel members.
- GRIPP2 reporting checklists: tools to improve reporting of patient and public involvement in research
Useful Tools
- The Get-It Glossary - an online glossary of health research terms defined in plan english.
- Jargon Buster - a glossary of words containing the definitions of some of the terms commonly used in public involvement in research.
Other Resources
- Popay, J and Collins, M (editors) with the PiiAF Study Group(2014). The Public Involvement Impact Assessment Framework Guidance. Universities of Lancaster, Liverpool and Exeter.
- Values and standards in for patient involvement in Health Technology Assessment.