Participation is where people take part in a research study.
A number of our PPI Advisors are participating in the following PPI research study led by Dr Alison Hipwell:
Understanding the experience of patient and public involvement in research implementation – a longitudinal study of the role of public advisors. This study aims to explore the PPI Advisor role within CLAHRC West Midlands, how the role might develop over time and how involvement influences the implementation of research evidence.
The themes are involving PPI Advisors in discussions about the approach to recruit eligible people to studies and we hope the advice we receive will improve participation. Some example activities include:
- Theme 1 has established a maternity-specific PPI/Academic Forum, where representatives are invited to given input on the design of specific projects; commenting on and contributing to the development of protocols, patient documentation and implementation plans.
- Theme 2 PPI Advisors Keith Elder and Richard Grant have been tasked with establishing links with organisations in the community, to explore potential collaborations and further the dissemination of research findings. For example, Keith is building relationships with regional Health Watch organisations, while Richard is taking steps to strengthen links with local authorities, including Birmingham, Coventry and Warwickshire councils.
- Theme 3 involves PPI Advisors in the development of protocols, study design and plain English summaries. In one instance, one of the Theme 3 Advisors provided input on a men’s weight management research proposal, helping to write the lay summary.
- Theme 4 PPI Advisors were involved at the draft protocol stage of the Overview Study. One Advisor canvassed views from her network of patient contacts and advised the team on priorities for patients. There were then used as part of the public consultation.
PPI Networks
CLAHRC WM was instrumental in establishing a regional PPI network called Patient and public Involvement and Lay Accountability in Research and innovation (PILAR) to foster collaborative working and shared learning.
Find out more about participation in trials at UK Clinical Trials Gateway and also look at NHS Choices information on clinical research.