CLAHRC Publications
September 2015 - Don't Turn Your Back on the Symptoms of Psychosis
July 2014 - Cognitive behaviour therapy to prevent harmful compliance with command hallucinations
March 2014 - School mobility as a pathway to psychosis in young people
Below is a list of the papers published by Theme 2 within the CLAHRC WM grant period. Where possible, we also include the Altmetric score of each research output. Altmetrics are metrics and qualitative data that are complementary to traditional, citation-based metrics. They can include (but are not limited to) peer reviews on Faculty of 1000, citations on Wikipedia and in public policy documents, discussions on research blogs, mainstream media coverage, bookmarks on reference managers like Mendeley, and mentions on social networks.
- Brioney G, Hodgekins J, Fowler d, Marshall M, Everard L, Lester H, Jones P, Amos T, Singh S, Sharma V, Freemantle N, Birchwood M. The course of negative symptom in first episode psychosis and the relationship with social recovery. 2016 Jul;174(1-3):165-71.
- Gajwani R, Parsons H, Birchwood M, Singh SP. Ethnicity and detention: are Black and minority ethnic (BME) groups disproportionately detained under the Mental Health Act 2007? 2016 May;51(5):703-11.
- Connor C, Birchwood M, Freemantle N, Palmer C, Channa S, Barker C, Patterson P, Singh S. Don't turn your back on the symptoms of psychosis: the results of a proof-of-principle, quasi-experimental intervention to reduce duration of untreated psychosis. 2016 May 4;16(1):127.
- Chisholm K, Patterson P, Greenfield S, Turner E, Birchwood M. Adolescent construction of mental illness: Implication for engagement and treatment. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 2016 [epub ahead of print].
- Connor C, Birchwood M, Freemantle N, Palmer C, Channa S, Barker C, Patterson P, Singh S. Don't turn your back on the symptoms of psychosis: the results of a proof-of-principle, quasi-experimental intervention to reduce duration of untreated psychosis. BMC Psychiatry. 2016; 16(1): 127.
- Gee B, Hodgekins J, Fowler D, Marshall M, Everard L, Lester H, Jones PB, Amos T, Singh SP, Sharma V, Freemantle N, Birchwood M. The course of negative symptom in first episode psychosis and the relationship with social recovery. Schizophr Res. 174(1-3):165-71.
- Casey D, Brown L, Galwani R, Islam Z, Jasani R, Parsons H, Tah P, Birchwood M, Singh SP. Predictors of engagement in first-episode psychosis. Schizophr Res. 2016 [epub ahead of print].
- Nichols L, Ryan R, Connor C, Birchwood M, Marshall T. Derivation of a prediction model for a diagnosis of depression in young adults: a matched case-control study using electronic primary care records. Early Interv Psychiatry. 2016. [ePub]. doi: 10.1111/eip.12332.
- Salokangas RK, Schultze-Lutter F, Patterson P, von Reventlow HG, Heinimaa M, From T, Luutonen S, Hankala J, Kotimäki M,Tuominen L. Psychometric properties of the Trauma and Distress Scale, TADS, in an adult community sample in Finland. Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2016;7:30062.
- Chisholm K, Patterson P, Torgerson C, Turner E, Jenkinson D, Birchwood M. Impact of Contact on Adolescents' Mental Health Literacy and Stigma: the SchoolSpace Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. BMJ Open. 2016; 6(2): e009435.
- Gajwani R, Parsons H, Birchwood M, Singh SP. Ethnicity and detention: are Black and minority ethnic (BME) groups disproportionately detained under the Mental Health Act 2007? Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2016;51(5):703-11.
- Allard J, Lancaster S, Clayton S, Amos T, Birchwood M. Carers' and service users' experiences of early intervention in psychosis services: implications for care partnerships. Early Interv Psychiatry. 2016; [ePub]. doi: 10.1111/eip.12309.
- Salokangas RK, Schultze-Lutter F, Hietala J, Heinimaa M, From T, Ilonen T, Löyttyniemi E, von Reventlow HG, Juckel G, Linszen D, Dingema. Depression predicts persistence of paranoia in clinical high-risk patients to psychosis: results of the EPOS project. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2016 Feb;51(2):247-57.
- Singh, SP; Brown, L; Winsper, C; Gajwani, R; Islam, Z; Jasani, R; Parsons, H; Rabbie-Kahn, F; Birchwood, M. Ethnicity and pathways to care during first episode psychosis: the role of cultural illness attributions. BMC Psychiatry. 2015;15:287
- Seddon JL, Birchwood M, Copello A, Everard L, Jones PB, Fowler D, Amos T, Freemantle N, Sharma V, Marshall M, Singh SP. Cannabis Use Is Associated With Increased Psychotic Symptoms and Poorer Psychosocial Functioning in First-Episode Psychosis: A Report From the UK National EDEN Study. Schizophr Bull. 2015;42(3):619-25.
- Birchwood, M. Knitting up the ravelled sleeve of care: sleep and psychosis. Lancet Psychiatry. 2015;2(11):950-1.
- Graham HL, Copello A, Griffith E, Freemantle N, McCrone P, Clarke L, Walsh K, Stefanidou CA, Rana A, Birchwood M. Pilot randomised trial of a brief intervention for comorbid substance misuse in psychiatric in-patient settings. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia. 2016;133(4):298-309.
- Castle, A.U; David, J, Singh, SP. Early Intervention in psychosis: still the 'best buy?' British Journal of Psychiatry. 2015;207(4):288-292.
- Singh SP, Tuomainen H. Transition from child to adult mental health services: needs, barriers, experiences and new models of care. World Psychiatry. 2015;14(3):358-361.
- Henderson C, Farrelly S, Moran P, Borschmann R, Thornicroft G, Birchwood M and the CRIMSON and JOSHUA study groups. Joint crisis planning in mental health care: the challenge of implementation in randomized trials and in routine care. World Psychiatry. 2015; 14(3): 281-3
- Palmer, CJ; Connor, C; Newton, BJ; Patterson, P; Birchwood, M. Early Intervention and Identification strategies for young people at risk of developing mental health issues: working in partnership with schools in Birmingham, UK. Early Interv Psychiatry. 2015. [ePub].
- Hodgekins J, Birchwood M, Christopher R, Marshall M, Cokers S, Everard L, Lester H, Jones P, Amos T, Singh S, Sharma V, Freemantle N, Fowler D. Investigating trajectories of social recovery in individuals with first episode psychosis: a latent class growth analysis. Br J Psychiatry. 2015;207(6):536-43.
- Lavis A, Lester H, Everard L, Freemantle N, Amos T, Fowler D, Hodgekins J, Jones P, Marshall M, Sharma V, Larsen J, McCrone P, Singh S, Smith J, Birchwood M. Layers of Listening: A Qualitative Analysis of the Impact of Early Intervention Services for First-Episode Psychosis on Carers' Experiences. Br J Psychiatry 2015; 207(2):135-4.
- Flach C, French P, Dunn G, Fowler D, Gumley AI, Birchwood M, Stewart SLK, Morrison AP. Components of therapy as mechanisms of change in cognitive therapy for people at risk of psychosis: analysis of the EDIE-2 trial. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2015;1-7.
- Thompson A, Singh S, Birchwood M. Views of early psychosis clinicians on discontinuation of antipsychotic medication following symptom remission in first episode psychosis. Early Intervention Psychiatry. 2015. [ePub]. doi:10.1111/eip.12244.
- Farrelly S, Lester H, Rose D, Birchwood M, Marshall M, WaheedmW, Henderson C, Szmukler G, Thornicroft G. Barriers to shared decision making in mental health care: qualitative study of the Joint Crisis Plan for psychosis. Health Expect. 2016;19(2):448-58.
- Keeley T, Khan H, Pinfold V, Williamson P, Mathers J, Davies L, et al. Core outcome sets for use in effectiveness trials involving people with bipolar and schizophrenia in a community-based setting (PARTNERS2): study protocol for the development of two core outcome sets. Trials. 2015;16(1):47.
- Stafford MR, Mayo-Wilson E, Loucas CE, James A, Hollis C, Birchwood M, Kendall T. Efficacy and safety of pharmacological and psychological interventions for the treatment of psychosis and schizophrenia in children, adolescents and young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2015 Feb 11;10(2):e0117166.
- Farrelly S, Lester H, Rose D, Birchwood M, Marshall M, Waheed W, Henderson RC, Szmukler G, Thornicroft G. Improving Therapeutic Relationships: Joint Crisis Planning for Individuals With Psychotic Disorders. Qual Health Res. 2015;25(12):1637-47.
- Hodgekins J, French P, Birchwood M, Mugford M, Christopher R, Marshall M, et al. Comparing time use in individuals at different stages of psychosis and a non-clinical comparison group. Schizophrenia research. 2015;161(2-3):188-93.
- Connor C, Greenfield S, Lester H, Channa S, Palmer C, Barker C, et al. Seeking help for first-episode psychosis: a family narrative. Early IntervPsychiatry. 2014;[ePub ahead of print].
- Marshall M, Husain N, Bork N, Chaudhry IB, Lester H, Everard L, et al. Impact of early intervention services on duration of untreated psychosis: data from the National EDEN prospective cohort study. Schizophrenia research. 2014;159(1):1-6.
- Graham HL, Birchwood M, Griffith E, Freemantle N, McCrone P, Stefanidou CA, et al. A pilot study to assess the feasibility and impact of a brief motivational intervention on problem drug and alcohol use in adult mental health inpatient units: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2014;15:308.
- Farrelly S, Brown G, Szmukler G, Rose D, Birchwood M, Marshall M, et al. Can the therapeutic relationship predict 18 month outcomes for individuals with psychosis? Psychiatry Res. 2014;220(1-2):585-91.
- Connor C. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Psychosis: the role of empowerment. L'information psychiatrique. 2014;6(90):461-5.
- Birchwood M, Michail M, Meaden A, Tarrier N, Lewis S, Wykes T, et al. Cognitive behaviour therapy to prevent harmful compliance with command hallucinations (COMMAND): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2014;1(1):23-33.
- Michail M, Birchwood M, Tait L. Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder in psychosis. Systematic reviews. 2014;3:62.
- Craig T, Shepherd G, Rinaldi M, Smith J, Carr S, Preston F, et al. Vocational rehabilitation in early psychosis: cluster randomised trial. Br J Psychiatry. 2014;205(2):145-50.
- Gumley AI, Schwannauer M, Macbeth A, Fisher R, Clark S, Rattrie L, et al. Insight, duration of untreated psychosis and attachment in first-episode psychosis: prospective study of psychiatric recovery over 12-month follow-up. Br J Psychiatry. 2014;205(1):60-7.
- Farrelly S, Brown G, Rose D, Doherty E, Henderson RC, Birchwood M, et al. What service users with psychotic disorders want in a mental health crisis or relapse: thematic analysis of joint crisis plans. SocPsychiatry PsychiatrEpidemiol. 2014;49(10):1609-17.
- Michail M, Birchwood M. Social anxiety in first-episode psychosis: The role of childhood trauma and adult attachment. J AffectDisord. 2014;163:102-9.
- Singh SP, Winsper C, Wolke D, Bryson A. School Mobility and Prospective Pathways to Psychotic-like Symptoms in Early Adolescence: A Prospective Birth Cohort Study. J AmAcadChild AdolescPsychiatry. 2014;53(5):518-27.
- Birchwood M. Early intervention in psychosis services: the next generation (Editorial). Early IntervPsychiatry. 2014;8(1):1-2.
- Birchwood M, Lester H, McCarthy L, Jones P, Fowler D, Amos T, et al. The UK national evaluation of the development and impact of Early Intervention Services (the National EDEN studies): study rationale, design and baseline characteristics. Early IntervPsychiatry. 2014;8(1):59-67.
- Sapara A, Ffytche DH, Birchwood M, Cooke MA, Fannon D, Williams SC, et al. Preservation and compensation: the functional neuroanatomy of insight and working memory in schizophrenia. SchizophrRes. 2014;152(1):201-9.
- Salokangas RK, Heinimaa M, From T, Loyttyniemi E, Ilonen T, Luutonen S, et al. Short-term functional outcome and premorbid adjustment in clinical high-risk patients. Results of the EPOS project. EurPsychiatry. 2014;29(6):371-80.