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STudy Into Lean and Thin Subjects

STILTS2 assesses the genetic basis of thinness. identification of genes that contribute to thinness may provide further insights into the regulation of body weight and obesity resistance, which may lead to rational preventative and therapeutic strategic for weight disorders.

How will the practice be involved?

  • The practice will run a search to identify potentially eligible patients at the practice (using disease specific read codes)

  • GPs will be asked to screen the list of potentially eligible patients

  • The practice will send out invitation letters and information packs

  • If a patient is interested they respond to the study team who will send out a saliva kit for DNA collection and a simple questionnaire to record eating/exercise behaviours

Main inclusion criteria

  • Age 18-65 at time of recruitment

  • BMI<18kg/m2

  • No known history of eating disorders, renal, liver or gastrointestinal disease

If you would like further information, please contact your local facilitator

Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane at

Wed 26 Jul 2017, 13:26 | Tags: Summer 2017 Study