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Frequently Asked Questions

We appreciate you may have further questions about the trial. If your question isn’t answered on this page you can click here to submit your question to trial team.

+ 1. Why has this trial come about?

+ 2. Is experimenting like this on humans allowed? Is it legal to do this?

+ 3. What was the ethical justification for the trial?

+ 4. Did the study receive ethical approval?

+ 5. Why didn't you compare data on patients who currently have adrenaline and those who don't instead of doing this trial?

+ 6. Why was my relative entered into this trial without anyone’s permission or knowledge?

+ 7. I want to know what treatment my relative had.

+ 8. How did you cater for people who do not want to be part of the trial?

+ 9. What strategy did you use to inform relatives of those patients that did not survive?

+ 10. Who is the data controller for this trial? What data will be collected and how will my data be used?

+ 11. Will my participation in the trial be kept confidential?

+ 12. How can I withdraw from the trial follow-up?

Paramedic 2: Adrenalin Trial


About Cardiac Arrest

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Data Transparency Statement




Still have questions?

If your question isn't answered on this page, please submit your question to the Trial Team.