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University Research Centre

As of the 28th of June 2017, the Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability has been established as a University of Warwick Research Centre. Thank you to all members of the CEH who have contributed to our work so far, and who helped to make this a reality.

Enceladus' sub-surface ocean

Data from NASA's Cassini satellite has shown that Saturn's moon Enceladus harbours a sub-surface, salty ocean. After multiple flybys of Saturn's moon Enceladus, including one that passed through the plume of material being ejected from the moon, the various instruments on Cassini have given NASA enough information to confidently claim the existence of this ocean, and to speculate that there may even be hydothermal vents on the ocean's floor.

Wed 26 Apr 2017, 11:26 | Tags: Cassini, Enceladus, Europa, Habitability, NASA, Saturn, news, ocean, publication

The Ends of the World: Visualising the Anthropocene

Dr Tiago de Luca, an assistant professor in Film Studies here at Warwick, is organising a meeting to explore the possibility of setting up a new research group to visualise the ends of the world. The meeting will aim to gather together scholars and postgraduate students from a wide range of disciplines with a view to exploring new approaches and methods regarding the Anthropocene. Given its pressing topicality, the theme is likely to be of interest to a range of disciplines, including: film, television and media studies; social sciences; politics; geography; geology; environmental studies; cultural policy; and many others. The meeting will take the form of an informal discussion over lunch led by the PI.

If you're interested in attending, please contact Dr de Luca ( by the 28th of April 2017

Interview with Alastair Reynolds

On the 23rd June 2016, the CEH held an interview between science fiction author Alastair Reynolds and Jonathan Heron from Warwick. Their conversation touched on science, creativity and recent blockbuster science fiction such as Interstellar and Moon. Visit the Forbidden Planets Interview page to find it.

Forbidden Planets Roundtable CANCELLED

Owing to a low number of sign-ups, the Forbidden Planets roundtable discussion with author Alastair Reynolds has unfortunately had to be CANCELLED.

The CEH will instead be recording an interview with Alastair, discussing his work in the context of habitability. This interview will be posted on the website in the near future.

We apologise to all who were looking forward to the event.

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