Visions of Habitability: Hendrik Schäfer
The next installment in the CEH seminar series, "Visions of Habitability", will take place on Tuesday 12th April. The speaker will be Hendrik Schäfer from the University of Warwick's School of Life Sciences; a period of discussion will follow the presentation.
IATL funding success
A proposal to the Insitute of Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) by a team from the CEH led by Drs. David Armstrong and Jonathan Heron has been successful in its application. The funding will be used to fund two or three events; discussion of their format is ongoing.
Kepler's habitable planets?
A new paper published yesterday on the ArXiv preprint server examines the host stars of potentially habitable planets found by the Kepler space mission. The work was led by the ICH's own David Armstrong.