Habitability GRP internal funding call
Innovative Manufacturing & Future Materials and all Global Research Priorities would like to invite colleagues to apply for internal funding to support activities.
GRPs aim to connect and support interdisciplinary research across the University, including in the following areas:
- Explore, examine, demonstrate or participate in innovative activities during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Secure ongoing collaborations to keep research buoyant into the future
- Investment in the future of an element(s) of the Global Research Priority Programme which has future focus in some other way
Follow the title link to apply.
IATL funding success
A proposal to the Insitute of Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) by a team from the CEH led by Drs. David Armstrong and Jonathan Heron has been successful in its application. The funding will be used to fund two or three events; discussion of their format is ongoing.
IATL funding proposal submitted
The CEH have submitted a proposal to the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) at Warwick for funding of a habitability seminar series.
STFC funding application unsuccessful
Unfortunately, the CEH's application to the STFC for funding for our 'Festival of Habitability' has been unsuccessful. The team are now considering the feedback that we received, and are looking at alternative funding sources for aspects of the festival.
Application for STFC funding
The Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability (CEH) has recently submitted an application for funding to the Science and Technology Facilities Council for a year-long project involving an external 'practitioner-in-residence' to work with CEH on several public engagement projects.