D.1c Interpolation tools for accurate construction of time-distance maps
We have developed a tool to accurately extract time-distance diagrams from curvilinear features (spline_slit) with significant functionality for a variety of situations.
- Tool name: spline_slit
- Developers: Richard Morton, James McLaughlin, Krishna Mooroogen (Northumbria)
- Main Contact: Richard Morton, richard.morton@nortumbria.ac.uk
- Basic description: Utilises splines and cubic interpolation to provide accurately and evenly sampled time-distance diagrams along complex curvilinear features.
- Language: IDL
- Resource needed to use: Desktop
- Host location: https://github.com/Richardjmorton/NUWT ¥ Current status: Complete
- 6-month plan to availability: N/A
- Status of documentation: Complete.
- Test status: Tested with data from SDO, Hinode, ROSA, SST
- How to reference tool in publication: Morton, R. J., McLaughlin, J. A. & Mooroogen, K. (2016), Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.54722