- Khurom Kiyani, PhD Thesis (2004), University of Edinburgh link
- An assessment of renormalization methods in the statistical theory of isotropic turbulence
- K. Kiyani and W. D. McComb, Phys. Rev. E 70, 066303 (2004) link
- Time-ordered fluctuation-dissipation relation for incompressible isotropic turbulence
- W. D. McComb and K. Kiyani, Phys. Rev. E 72, 016309 (2005) link, arXiv preprint
- Eulerian spectral closures for isotropic turbulence using a time-ordered fluctuation dissipation relation
- K. Kiyani, S. C. Chapman and B. Hnat, Phys. Rev. E 74, 051122 (2006) link, arXiv preprint
- Extracting the scaling exponents of a self-affine, non-Gaussian process from a finite-length time series
- K. Kiyani, S. C. Chapman, B. Hnat and R. M. Nicol, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 211101 (2007) link, arXiv preprint
- Self-Similar Signature of the Active Solar Corona within the Inertial Range of Solar-Wind Turbulence
- B. Hnat, S. C. Chapman, K. Kiyani, G. Rowlands, N. W. Watkins, Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L15108 (2007) link
- On the fractal nature of the magnetic field energy density in the solar wind
- K. H. Kiyani, S. C. Chapman and N. W. Watkins, Phys. Rev. E 79, 036109 (2009) link, arXiv preprint
- Pseudononstationarity in the scaling exponents of finite-interval time series
- K. H. Kiyani, S. C. Chapman, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, M. W. Dunlop and F. Sahraoui, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 075006 (2009) link, arXiv preprint
- Global scale-invariant dissipation in collisionless plasma turbulence
K. H. Kiyani, S. C. Chapman, F. Sahraoui, B. Hnat, O. Fauvarque, and Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, ApJ 763(1), 10 (2013) link, arXiv preprint
- Enhanced magnetic compressibility and isotropic scale invariance at sub-ion Larmor scales in solar wind turbulence
Conferences & meetings
- W. D. McComb and K. Kiyani, Proc. 10th European Turbulence Conference (2004), Trondheim, Norway
- Presentation:Conditional mode elimination and the development of spectral subgrid models
- W. D. McComb and K. Kiyani, 1st General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (2004), Nice, France
- Poster: Conditional mode elimination and the development of spectral subgrid models
- W. D. McComb and K. Kiyani, 17th Annual Scottish Fluid Mechanics meeting (2004), Glasgow, UK
- Presentation:The application of renormalized iterative averaging to spectral subgrid models of passive scalar transport
- K. Kiyani, Invited talk at the British Antarctic Survey (2006), Cambridge, UK
- Presentation: Extracting scaling information and identifying self-affine and multifractal processes in finite length time-series
- K. Kiyani, MIST Autumn meeting (2006), London, UK
- Presentation: Identifying fractality in solar wind turbulence as seen by WIND
- K. Kiyani, S. C. Chapman and B. Hnat, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting (2006), San Francisco, USA
- Poster: A method for extracting the scaling exponents of a self-affine, non-Gaussian process from a finite length timeseries
- K. Kiyani and W. D. McComb, First IMS Turbulence Conference (2007), Imperial College London, UK
- Presentation: Markovianized Single-time Local Energy Transfer: A K41 compatible Eulerian spectral closure for isotropic turbulence with no tuning parameters
- K. Kiyani, S. C. Chapman, B. Hnat and R. M. Nicol, RAS National Astronomy Meeting (2007), Preston, UK
- Poster: Self-similar signature of the active solar corona within the inertial range of solar wind turbulence
- K. Kiyani, S. C. Chapman and B. Hnat, StatPhys 23 (2007), Genoa, Italy
- Poster: Conditioning of data outiers to identify and obtain the scaling behaviour of statistically self-similar and multifractal non-Gaussian processes from finite length time-series
- K. Kiyani, S.C. Chapman and B. Hnat, British Antarctic Survey, Natural Complexity (2007), Clare College Cambridge, UK
- Presentation & Poster: Outliers and their effects on the scaling of self-affine and multifractal stochatic processes