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Projects Tracking

Project Outline:

(PDF Document)project outline (submitted on 26 October 2009)

First Year Report:

(PDF Document)First Year Progress Report (submitted on 07 April 2010)

Royal Astronomical Society Specialist Discussion Meeting (12 Mar 2010, Burlington House, London)


BUKS 2010 Meeting (9th - 11 Jun, New Hall, St Andrews University):

(Workshop on MHD waves and seismology of the solar atmosphere)

(PDF Document)Abstract (PDF Document)Poster (Powerpoint Presentation)Talks

STFC Advanced Summer School in Solar Physics 2010 (31 Aug - 03 Sep 2010, The University of Central Lancashire, Preston)

The Fifth Solar Image Processing Workshop( 12- 16 September 2010, Les Diablerets, Switzerland)

(PDF Document)Abstract 

Progress Report and Research Plan:

(PDF Document)Progress report and research plan (submitted on 25 Oct 2010)

First Year PhD Talk:

(PDF Document)Long-period oscillation leakages from the chromosphere to the coronae (presented on 6 Dem 2010)

National Astronomical Meeting 2011 (17 - 21 April 2011 Llandudno, North Wales, ):

(PDF Document) Long-period oscillation leakages from the chromosphere to the coronae

RAS specialist Discussion Meeting (13 May, Burlington House London)

(Waves and Oscillations in the Magnetic Sun)

BUKS 2011 (27 -29 Jun 2011, Palma de Majorca, Talks)

Coronal Seismology with two adjacent oscillating loops, (PDF Document) Abstract (PDF Document) Talk, (movies: 131.avi, 171.avi)

Fifth Coronal Loop Meeting ( 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2011, Palma de Majorca)

Observational Summer School 2011 (02 - 18 Oct 2011, Beijing)

Visits to Nanjing University and National Observatory of Chinese Academy of Science (28 - 30 Sept 2011)

Multi-instrumental and multi-wavelengths observations on solar plasma waves and oscillations, (PDF Document) Abstract (PDF Document) Talk

Thesis Plan

National Astronomical Meeting 2012 (27 - 31 March 2012 Manchester, England):

The measurement of the apparent phase speed of the propagating EUV disturbances, (PDF Document) Abstract, (PDF Document)Talk

BUKS 2012 (3 -7 Jul 2012, Crete,Greece)

The phase speed of EUV propagating disturbances: robust measurement, temperature-dependency and seismological application ,(PDF Document) Abstract

Multi-level observations of magnetoacoustic cut-off in sunspot atmosphere, (PDF Document)

CFSA Seminar (16 Jul 2012)

Multi-level observation of sunspot waves and oscillation (PDF Document) Talk