Website Collections
General Plasma:
Plasma Formulary (Online version and Free request, Naval Reseach Laboratory, USA)
PlasmaNet Mailist Subscription
Database for Atomic and Plasma Physics
Atomic Data and Analysis Structure
Online Plasma course:
Solar Study:
The Structure of The sun (Interactive Animation, University of Glamorgan)
lecture Notes on Stellar Oscillation(Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, ref: Helioseismology, Review of Modern Physics 74 (2002) 1073)
Active Region Numbering Map (Archive)
A New Sun: Solar Results from Skylab (J.A. Eddy,NASA)
The Sun: An Introduction to MHD (A.W. Hood, St-Andrews)
Astrophysics :
NASA Lunar & Planetary Science
Starlink Software Collections for Astronomy (Open source)
Nuclear Fusion :
Fusion Education Website (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Iteractive Education Website
Fusion Ignition Research Experiment (FIRE) and Burning Plasma Program
Internatioanl Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER):
(National Ignition Facility) NIF
Nuclear Engineering:
Power Reactor Information Service (IAEA)
World Nuclear Transportation Institue
World Information Service on Energy
Nuclear & Particle Physics:
Particle Adventure (Illustrative Education)
Review of Particle Physics (Particle Data Group)
- Online and Download Version
- Free Copy Request (Europe, Africa, Middle East, India, Pakistan, Russia and all other countries)
- Free Copy Request (North or South America, Australia and the Far East)
General Physics:
How to Become a Good Theoretical Physicist (Gerard't Hooft) (Good Recommendations and links to free resources)
Lecture notes (Huge collections of reviews and links online resources)
Electromagnetic Field Theory (online textbook Bo Thide)
Advanced Classical Electromagnetism (Online textbook Richard Fitzpatrick)
Quantum Mechanics (Online textbook Richard Fitzpatrick)
Thermodynamics and Statistics (Online textbook Richard Fitzpatrick)
Newtonian Dynamics (Online textbook Richard Fitzpatrick)
Classical Mechanics (Online textbook Richard Fitzpatrick)
Computational Physics (Online textbook Richard Fitzpatrick)
Electromagnetism and Optics (Online textbook Richard Fitzpatrick)
Oscillations and Waves (Online textbook Richard Fitzpatrick)
NIST Digital Library fo Mathematics
S.O.S. Maths (Mathematical tables and formulae)
Mathematical Assistant Web (online tools)
Applied Maths Book (Sean's anti-copyright version)
The Numerical Recipies online version
Uncertainties and Errror Propagation (Dr. Vern Lindberg, Rochester Institute of Technology, Physics)
Uncertainty discussion (easy to understand)
The C book (M. Banahan, D. Brady and M. Doran)
C elements of Style (Programming style)
Designing and Building Parallel Progams (Ian Foster)
Progamming for Scientiss (guideline for project programming)