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RTP Capabilities

Imaging Surfaces

The main techniques available for imaging surfaces include SEM, AFM and optical microscopy. For more information on these techniques, click on the images below.

Imaging Structure

Information about the structure of a material can be found using a combination of TEM, STEM and diffractive imaging. For more information on these techniques, click on the images below.


Elemental analysis can be performed on many of our microscopes. Optical spectroscopy is also available using a cathodoluminescence system. For more information on these techniques, click on the images below.

Cross Sectioning and Sample Preparation

Cross-sectioning and TEM sample preparation is frequently performed using our FIB-SEM, providing sub-micron accuracy when location is important. We also have a well equipped preparation lab, with mechanical and ion polishing machines, sputter coaters and a plasma cleaner. For more information on these techniques, click on the images below.