Psychology's ED&I team leads
Psychology's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) champions is Kate Messenger. Kate's role is to feed into the central university's ED&I Network, attend termly meetings and feed back to the Department's Welfare and Communications Committee, chaired by Dr Michaela Gummerum.
There is standing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion item on the Department's termly Council meeting and the Welfare and Communications Committee makes recommendations to the Management Committee.
Kate is the first point of contact for colleagues to log any ED&I issues or concerns to be raised with the central team. Information on central ED&I activities are disseminated directly by Kate to avoid being lost amongst other information in the weekly bulletin. The Staff intranet also has a prominent link to the latest ED&I newsletter and individual events are promoted on the Psychology Department's landing page.
COPR/WLS Research Seminar - ‘Spycops, Subversion & Collateral Intrusion - Hosted by Christopher Brian
Department Brown Bag Lunch Seminars: Dr Chiara Gambi, University of Warwick
University ED&I activities are also promoted on the @warwickpsych account..